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(Faiths p.o.v.)

I woke up to my father saying

Klaus ~ Hey Faith wake up lets get some breakfast.

Faith ~ Just 5 more minutes

I say hiding my head back into his arm and them I here him chuckle saying 

Klaus ~ Man I can see how your like Mykayla now. You really aren't a morning person.

And then I heard a voice I never thought I would never hear again.

??? ~ Hey me not being a morning person isn't a bad thing.

I then looked up to see my mother.

Faith ~ Mom? Wait, how are you here?

Klaus ~ Mykayla?

Mykayla ~ Hello, and your sister Hope brought me back.

Faith ~ Mom!!

I ran up to her and hugged her saying

Faith ~ Please don't ever leave me again!

Mykayla ~ I wont my little Faith. And Klaus I'm sorry I never told you about her I hope you can forgive me.

But the next thing I know I see my dad vamp speed over to mom and kiss her saying

Klaus ~ Just don't make me leave again.

Mykayla ~ I wont plus you have to help me finish raising my...our daughter.

I was standing by Hope and we were giving each other looks and then Hope spoke saying

Hope ~ Just ask her out already!

Faith ~ Yeah just get it over with!

they both looked over to us like they weren't expecting us to say that and we both just started laughing then I watched as my dad looked back to my mom with a smile saying

Klaus ~ Well you heard them. How does tomorrow night at 7 sound?

Mykayla ~ It sounds wonderful.

With that we all had breakfast and spent time with family and we finally got our happily ever after just with a little twist. Years down the road Klaus and Mykayla got married and Hope became a wonderful niece to Mykayla and the Mikaelsons lived happily together knowing and always saying, Family is 'Always and Forever'.


I hope you all enjoyed this book, I really enjoyed writing it and I've had a rough weekend but writing this made me happy and I'm so glad that I get to share it with you. Also I would like to say a big thanks to my sister for always being my biggest supporter.

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