Part 2

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(Faiths p.o.v.)

Klaus ~ so how old are you Faith?

Faith ~ 16.

Klaus ~ who's your mother?

Faith ~ Mykayla Forbes.

Klaus ~ and...

Klaus was cut off by Hope saying

Hope ~ dad stop interrogating her. She didnt do anything wrong.

Faith ~ Hope its fine.

Klaus ~ see Hope shes fine. So Faith where is your mother now?

I froze as the memory of my mother came to mind.

Mykayla ~ listen Faith has nothing to do with this let her go!!

??? ~ now why would i do that? She's important to you. But dont worry we aren't going to hurt her physically if you do as i say. But mentally she might not be okay after this.

The man said with a laugh.

Faith ~ please we haven't done anything just let me and my mom go.

I begged with tears in my eyes.

??? ~ no my boss wants her dead

He said pointing to my mother. then continued saying

??? ~so that's what shes gonna be.

Faith ~ NOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I screamed as he stabbed her in the heart i watched as my mother fell to the floor bleeding i can still remember her saying her last words.

Mykayla ~ i love you Faith. Remember that always.


I said full on screaming with tears falling uncontrollably. But there was nothing I could've done to stop him but then i felt this power over come me and i threw the man across the room and walked over to him with anger clear in my eyes and took a wooden stake and shoved it into his heart. That's the day i didnt only lose my mom but that's also the day i broke my werewolf curse.

I was pulled out of my memory when Hope stood in front of me trying to get my attention. At first I couldn't hear what she was saying but then i slowly started hearing her say.

Hope ~ Faith are you okay? Your crying and shaking and your scaring me.

I then snapped back to reality and looked to Klaus saying

Faith ~ why are you asking me all these questions.

I said with tears falling down my cheeks.

Faith ~ why did you have to bring that memory back!!

Klaus ~ i didnt know it was a sore subject. I'm sorry.

Faith ~ Hope i need to go. Ill see you at school on Monday.

Hope ~ wait Faith!

I didnt even let her finish i just ran out the door and to a nearby ally not knowing that one of Klaus's brothers followed me. Once I got to the ally my phone began to ring i looked down to see the caller id. I didnt want to answer it. I didnt want to talk to Mikael. I just want to run and hide but I couldn't so i picked up the phone saying.

(The phone call)

Faith ~ Mikael what do you want?

Mikael ~ i want to know what you've learned about the Mikaelsons.

Faith ~ i dont want to do this Mikael. I didnt do anything wrong. And they shouldn't be your enemies. They are nice people. At least the ones i met are.

Mikael ~ so youve met some?

Faith ~ Mikael I'm done. I'm not gonna help you kill them.

Mikael ~ if you dont help me then your punishment will be your life.

Faith ~ i dont care. You can come and kill me. But I'm not letting you take down the Mikaelsons. They aren't bad people. They are a family. The girl i met has a family with her. She has a mother and a father. Uncles and aunts. They have a perfect life and I'm not gonna be the one who ruins that even if it costs me my life then so be it. I would rather die saying lives then live taking them.

Mikael ~ girl you dont know what your doing. If you think that they'll let you join their family you are mistaken. They are monsters, abominations!

Faith ~ no Mikael they aren't monsters and they are NOT abominations and they wont let me into their family and i wouldnt want to join their family. They might be a good family. But their not my family. I have a family. Just because my Parents are dead doesn't mean i dont have family! So you want to come kill me? Come kill me. I'd like to see you try.

With that i wiped my tears and turned around to see Klaus's Brother Elijah. He slowly started walking towards me saying.

Elijah ~ you were talking to Mikael?

Faith ~ if your gonna kill me kill me.

Elijah ~ why would i kill you after you just stood up to Mikael for us? Your risking you life to protect us why?

Faith ~ i dont want to be the bad guy. And i have been and I'm done. So Mikael can come and kill me for all i care. At least it wouldn't be for nothing. So you can kill me just know Mikael wont stop till he kills you and your family so be prepared to fight.

Elijah ~ why dont you come with me and we can talk more about this with my family?

Faith ~ no I'm not going with you. You can try to take me but it wont work. You cant even lay a finger on me. I'm faster then you and stronger. But you can surely try.

He started to vamp speed to me and i said.

Faith ~ I'm sorry Elijah but i have to go.

With that i ran around the corner using my vamp speed and then quickly used magic to transfer me back to my apartment to grab my things before leaving once i packed my bag i headed outside and towards my car and got in and started to head to the one place i knew i was safe to go. To my aunt Carolines.

(Elijahs p.o.v.)

After Faith ran around the corner i followed but she then did a spell to disappear. So shes a vampire, a witch and she smells like a werewolf which means shes a tribrid witch also means she's like Hope but how can she be like Hope? Without much thought i vamp sped home and to the living room where everyone was i then said.

Elijah ~ everyone. We need to have a serious talk about Faith...

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