Entertaining Villainy

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Kon'nichiwa minna! This chapter has been really hard for me. It's honestly gone through quite a few revisions, and by revisions I don't mean clean ups for grammar and all that fun stuff, I mean plot-clean ups. I had fan-fiction-shattering events, then I moved them for later, then I reoriented the fan-fiction-shattering events because it made more sense. You know, writer's stuff...and block, but I think I've now made it. Hee hee. Midoriya has been captured! and Kota failed to get him back. Everything was put on the line for this one person, but Kota is left alone, surrounded by the people he's saved, but not the one that saved him.

Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V.

    I opened my eyes to find myself in some sort of bar. I was surrounded by the villains who had attacked the camp, and I could see on the far wall a picture of All Might with a few darts through his face. I closed my eyes again with a breath. It had been a long night.

    "He doesn't look like all that much," came a muffled voice, almost like that of a child.

    "Of course not. He doesn't have a quirk," came a familiar feminine voice, "but he still is going to be a great asset if you can persuade him."

    "Oba-ane*?" I rasped through a tired voice.

    "You're really getting on my nerves, Deku. Stop calling me that!"

     Yes, that was Oba-ane.

    "Oba-ane," came a new high voice which I didn't recognize, "that's a terrible name."

    "No, it's a great name," replied a deep voice.

    I tried shaking my head to regain my senses. My memory also started to return in detail.

    "He better do something quick," came a voice that sounded like Aisawa-sensei, but I shook my head again. Aisawa-sensei wasn't a villain. 

    "Can we kill him if he's useless," came the familiar voice of that muscle villain.

    "We should have gotten the explosion kid. Urgh!" came the same muffled voice.

     I had recovered my senses enough to relax and clear my head. I jerked on the restrains and sped behind the voice, breaking a glass along the way and holding the shard to his throat, between restrained hands.

      "He was never yours to get."

      The apparently hands-covered man started giggling, "You were right Toga; I'm glad we left his legs untied. He has quite the skill."

      Oba-ane giggled before saying, "Now, Deku, do throw that glass away. I wouldn't want you to waste anymore of that precious blood."

     I spun around once, flinging the shard at her. It was a terrible shot since my hands were tied, but it was a warning shot. She hardly had to dodge as it sailed passed her and shattered against the wall behind her although she was extremely dramatic about it.

     "You could have killed me with your hands tied," She gave me a look of mock-horror, "Is that how you should treat a lady?"

     I smiled back, "It's how I show my love for you, Big Sis, by listening to you."

     Her face morphed into one of anger in a second as soon as I said her name, and she promptly yelled, "Stop calling me that Deku!"

     She huffed.

     "Play time's over," came the muffled voice, "Let us see you."

      I came around to the front of the group, saying, "What do you need me for?"

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