I will Save You!!!

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Kon'nichiwa minna! N.B.The previous chapter has undergone some editting: I had forgotten parts of how this arc plays out which plays a major role in what happens in this chapter, so please review that chapter to make sure you are up to date on how everything is working out. Now that that has been said, I get to be the bearer of bad news that most readers find very frustrating: I'm leaving you cliffhanging while I tell you about something else in the story. Don't worry though; it does get better.  All for One has now entered the scene and dismissed the League of Villains, but he is still a foe of reckoning. Only All Might stands between him and the lives of innocent people...and Izuku Midoriya.

Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V.

    I hated Midoriya for what he had done to me. I hated that he had lied to me. I hated that I had seen him so many times, smiling as if nothing in the world was wrong when in fact he was hiding a big secret from me. I hated how I had found solace in his presence when he was in fact part of the competition, just trying to get under my skin. I hated Izuku Midoriya for betraying my trust.

    I hated that I couldn't remain upset with him. I hated that he went and saved Bakugo and before that Kota. I hated that he, an apparent civilian, had shown me up as a hero. I hated the look of despair and anger that Kota held after the portal had closed. I hated that Midoriya had been captured so that I couldn't yell at him for being a big idiot...again.

    We, the Yuei students, were back at school, and I was in my seat. I didn't need the others. I would figure something out.

    I leaned back looking at the ceiling: I couldn't think of anything whatsoever. I could only think of times passed: the times with Midoriya. I found myself wishing that he was here. He always knew how to weave through my problems even if I just mentioned a slight complaint. I smiled sadly at the thought that if he was here, this would have been his first time on campus. Now he was in villains' hands. I had to find a way of getting him out.

   I stared a little longer and grunted. I could think of nothing. Fresh air would help.

    I walked out of classroom. Almost immediately, I heard Kaminari talking in his over-excited manner down the hall way, "We have to save Midoriya. He's out there right now, without anyone to help."

    "It'll help him grow a backbone," grunted Bakugo's voice.

    "Or break his backbone. He's just entered Yuei. Don't you remember what All Might told us after the class battles. We have to look out for each other. Anyone can fall, and we have to be there for each other. I mean after Mineta and Aoyoma and Utsusu...and now Midoriya."

     "Ugh, you need to grow a backbone."

     "I think we should look for Midoriya as well. As class-president, I should assure the safety of all my classmates."

     "Ugh, well you all can go looking then, but I'm not."

     I heard Bakugo's footsteps and slid out of the way as he pushed passed me. I looked down the hall and was determined not to join them. I didn't need them. I would walk down and walk by. I needed fresh air. With a lurch, I began walking.

    Almost immediate, I head Kaminari, "Todoroki, you'll help, won't you?"

    I glared at them, "Not interested."


    "Let him go, Kaminari-san. If he's not interested in helping us rescue our dear classmate, that's his choice."

     I nodded to Iida and moved towards the door.

     I heard, "Don't worry Kaminari-san. Let's ask Yauyorozu-san."

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