Life or Death Summer Camp: for all the wrong reasons

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Kon'nichiwa minna! OpalHippocampus799 here with the next chapter for Essence of a True Hero. It's interesting to come to this part of the story which I have often seen as the starting point for so many others: the introduction of the mysterious (obviously) main character into the classroom. I hope that this lives up to those standards, but most of all I hope you enjoy.

I will note any of the more obscure Japanese names and suffixes here. Although I do not intend to use the Japanese language heavily for day to day speech, I plan to use it for people's names and titles. For this chapter: Haha-(my) Mom. If you have any other questions about my Japanese use of words, please comment here and I'll be happy to answer any questions.

Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V.

    I sat at home at the computer desk watching the old footage which I had seen since I was four, trying to get my hopes up. I stared at the screen only half paying attention as All Might broke onto the scene with his iconic line, "Fear not, citizens! Hope has arrived... because I am here!"

    I slumped my face into my fists as they supported my head. Hope has arrived. Tatsuya said the same thing. I just hoped that it would arrive for me, "How stupid does that sound. Hoping for hope, who am I kidding?"

    I heard a phone ring down the hall of the empty house. Sighing, I slid from my desk and answered, "Midoriaya Izuku speaking."

    "We have examined your skill set over the past two mission with pro-hero Backdraft, and have found you lacking in certain areas: you can easily be sidetracked from you main goal, you draw blanks and do not always take immediate opportunities..."

    I nodded glumly, knowing where this was going. All of which were true. "However," he continued, "You are practical when you do have your head on straight. You think quickly as the situation permits. Your application of your quirk compliments your fighting style well and is effective even if you could expand you skill set to improve your quirk and how your fighting style implements your quirk. All in all, the board of Yuei has deemed you worthy of joining the Hero Core Class 1-A as a mid-term student."

    There was a pause. As much as I would have wanted to jump off the walls a semester ago, now my shoulders just eased. I nodded again, "Yes, Mr. Aizawa."

    "Good," he said, "We will be hosting a summer camp this year, and as a Yuei student, you are required to attend. Arrive at the school campus tomorrow at 8:00 sharp to turn in you documentation and be in Class 1-A's homeroom by 8:35."

    "Yes, sir," I replied, "I'll see you then," before ending the call.

    I looked sadly at my phone and then around the empty hall way. I entered the kitchen, holding its sparse supplies and dialed a different number.

    After the phone finished ringing across the room, the dial reached voicemail, "You have reached Midoriya Inko. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Please leave a message."

    We hadn't changed our voicemail since I was four, so my four year old voice could still be heard reminding people to leave a message.

    I swallowed, "I told you about the special exam that Yuei was letting me do. It went great, Haha." I smiled, "I got into Yuei."

   After a short pause, I breathed, "Thanks Haha...for listening," and ended the call.

    Passing from the kitchen into my bedroom, I glanced at my walls, the many, many old posters and action figures of All Might, I couldn't help but feel that old nostalgic sense of fickle hope. I couldn't help asking myself how long it would last this time.

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