Just Visiting - Dorm Time

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This chapter is dedicated to the Medlin Hall, a college dorm, but a dorm nonetheless, of chaotic mayhem and legendsary battles, one in paraphrase: the Battle of the Ball. I've got a lovely soundtrack to go with this epic battle, and I hope it'll last throughout your reading, but we'll have to see. Midoriya has just taken a long needed visit from his oji, Stain the Hero Killer, and has received some vague advice about what to do next in these troubling times: let the pros figure what they're doing and do what he knows best.

     Midoriya looked around the prison as he exited before he started walking. It didn't take long for his feet to pick up pace, and with a jerk he was gone. Stain's final admonition was still bouncing around his head. The weight of the task seemed daunting now that he considered the prospects. He reached the dorms and saw all the windows dark, remembering the curfew. He'd try to remember that from now on. He preferred the calm of the night, the ease of movement, the quiet from the voices. He walked across the front lawn and smiled when he found the door locked. Midoriya scanned the building, looking for the one window that had his mom's curtain offsetting it. On the far left side of the building, two stories up, there it was.

    He had climbed too many buildings in his year-long tutelage under Stain to even bat an eye at the prospect of how far up that was. He easily made it to his balcony with a little speed on his side and without being noticed. The door was locked, go figure, but he had quite the skill set, not the most auspicious for an aspiring hero, but it got the job done when he needed it, like when he was locked out of his own home after his mother died or right now when he hadn't thought about it after everything had gone haywire. With little effort, he picked the lock; Oba-ane would be proud; she was the one who taught him after all after he had pestered her long enough. Training could be grooling, learning the mechanisms of locks was a nice break which bordered on the fascination with the machinations of heroes.

     On his sleeping bag, Izuku curled up and tried to rest as his mind ran afire with rampant thoughts which would not quiet.

      When morning came, and inadvertently it did, Izuku was not ready for what was about to transpire. A cry, no, Izuku groaned and he rolled over in the sleeping a bag, a yodel raced down the hall before the pounding of footsteps on stairs echoed after it. Izuku refused to open his eyes; then it would be morning, and he would have to get up. Within those few minutes of peace and quiet, Izuku heard an obnoxious banging on the door. He could just hear the faint voice, "Midoriya!"

    He groaned. Would it be so much to let him sleep? After the next strike, the door quivered and the room shook so that Izuku sat up looked around. The voice called louder this time, "Midoryia wake up!"

    The door had stilled while the sun slid passed the curtain. On the dresser, the All Might figurine teetered for another moment before becoming still. Izuku sighed and pulled himself out of bed. He glanced over at the figurine and frame making sure they were righted in place as he padded towards the door.

     When he opened the door, he was greeted by the kid with a tail, raising it up about to strike him in the face. Izuku glanced back and forth between it and the door before saying, "I hope this isn't my punishment for wanting to sleep another minute."

     The boy grinned, "No, glad you're awake. Sero got a brilliant idea since we're stuck here after the villain attack."

     "Sleep?" Izuku was about to offer, but he was cut off.

     "We're going to have a dorm fight with the girls," he didn't sound entirely thrilled either, so Midoriya thought it only fair to humor him.

     "Alright, so it'll be a Battle of the Pow Pow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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