Surprisingly Evasive

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Kon'nichiwa minna! I'm sorry for the long wait, but writer's block and school have been really doing a number on me, and I couldn't think of how to create this chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Neito Monoma's P.O.V.

    We were just getting settled down to eat dinner that the Wild, Wild Pussycats had prepared for us by the time two girls slid passed the edge of the campsite. They were some losers from Class 1-A. I couldn't believe that they were even part of such a "prestigious" class. I highly doubted that their quirks would be worth our time. All the same, a boy and girl closely followed by another boy ran up to them after they cleared the trees to make sure that they were okay. What a farce. If they couldn't stand up by themselves, they had no right to be training alongside us.

    Dinner was "kindly" interrupted again when that jerk, Kota, showed up and whined about how none of us could be heroes, ever, that we should never even attempt. I hated that kid. I could hear the ridicule of my classmates from junior high, "You'll never be a hero, Monoma, not with your useless quirk," "Yeah, if you don't have help from another hero to defeat an enemy you'll die...Yeah, Mono, just go die in a hole with your one-shot copy quirk."

    I hated those words, and if Kendo-san hadn't held my hand, I would have ridiculed him to no end, watching him wither in pain as I laughed at how weak and defenseless he was, how insecure he felt as he tried to hurt others. Instead, I settled on the new kid who was sitting across from me. I had never seen him before in Class 1-A but had heard the rumors about some new hot shot in the great Class 1-A, what a load of crap, "So the newest member of the great Class 1-A could hardly get through the Beast Forest by himself. Was it some test to show how weak the lot of you were?"

    He continued eating his food. Kendo-san nudged me with her elbow, but I pressed on, "It's no surprise really. Class 1-A is so useless. They think that they are so great because they've been attacked by some villains, and that suddenly makes them the Teacher's Pet of the entire school, but, really, all they can do to ease their insecurity is increase their number. Hee hee hee!"

   He looked at in me in surprise before talking to the girl next to him, "Yaoyorozu, you guys were attacked by villains?"

    While the girl rubbed her arms nervously, I continued, "Oh, yes. They had to be saved by All Might himself. What a pathetic bunch of losers!"

    He glared at me now, and I smiled, leading him along, "Yes, they couldn't hold a candle to such weak villains."

    "Thank you for the information," he spoke through grit teeth before turning to the girl, "Come on, Yaoyorozu-san. You don't need to listen to what he has to say."

    He stood up and walked away with her following shortly after him. Kendo-san slapped me over the head as I starred at their half full dinner plates. I hardly noticed the pain. No one had ever had such a cool reaction to my insults before. Even if he got on edge near the end, he still didn't bite back like so many others. I watched them as they settled down on the edge of the clearing. The boy sat first, and the girl sat next after he gestured for her to follow him. The two sat there throughout the course of dinner just looking into the forest or up into the night sky. I began eating my food when nothing else was happening until someone else took up my view of them. I was still trying to keep an eye on them, waiting for either of them to get back up and fight back.

    I recognized this boy. He was Class 1-A's class rep. I would never have been able to tell except by the way he held himself, the way he spoke and acted around other people, even before becoming their class rep.

    "You should not speak so rudely to Midoriya-san or Yaoyorozu-san," he told me.

    I smiled. I could work this guy up in a heart beat, "Oh, yeah, and why is that? I'm just telling them the truth. They're part of the useless Class 1-A."

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