If I have to Eat Another Bite, so Help Me...

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Kon'nichiwa minna! OpalHippocampus here with chapter 12 of Essence of a True Hero: After an exhaustive start to Summer Camp, everyone is feeling the desire for a good long nap...if only, but, much more than anyone else, Momo has been warring within herself on how to be a good hero, that is if she can even make that much.

Momo Yoayorozu's P.O.V.

   I noticed Midoriya-san's absence last night. Last I had seen him was with Kaminari-san, but then he disappeared off the face of the camp. When I approached Kaminari-san about it, he shrugged his shoulders uncertainly, "Izuku said Kota would know where to look."

   I had to think for a minute about who Kota was. Kirishima-san told me after I asked, "He's that kid with a baseball caps, hates heroes."

   Oh, that Kota. Why would Kota know, of all people? Why would Izuku spend time with him? That aside I began searching high and low for him across the campsite. When I asked Mandalay-sensei and then Pixie-Bob-sensei, they had no clue either. I was slowly going insane, worrying where this kid could be.

   Then it struck me: I'm not looking for him. I shouldn't be worried about him; well, I guess I could, but the main question was: where was Midoriya? Kota knew where apparently, but I didn't know where Kota was, and apparently no one else did either or seemed that worried about it. I tried to ease my conscious throughout the rest of dinner assuring myself that Kota (as insane as that sounded) knew where he was and would possibly keep him safe. Possibly. Don't think like that Momo.

    I went to bed feeling the same unease. My dreams were plagued with phantom nightmares. I remember one more or less clearly: Izuku and I were running through the Sports Festival obstacle course. He's smiling at me, but, next think I know, Izuku's gone. I see Fumikage's shadow snatch him out into the air in my peripheral vision. I full turned to see Fumikage running right next to me, his shadow gloating over him. It moved evasively as I tried to create enough weapons to fend it off until it snatched me.

    I woke up to my own screaming. I caught my breath and looked around the silent cabin trying to calm my racing heart. I could make out my sleeping classmate in the semi-darkness. "It's just a dream, Momo. It's just a dream."

    I heard a soft froglike voice, "Are you alright Yoayorozu?"

    I nodded trying to regain my breathing, "Yeah, just a bad dream."

    Silence responded.

    I carefully inched out of my sleeping bag, my feet pattering on the wooden floor as I moved around the cabin. Having calmed myself, I wandered to the boy's side. Was Izuku back yet?

    My feet wandered among the boys' sleeping bags as I tried to discern which was which. Coming unexpectedly upon Tokoyami's, I almost screamed but held it just within my throat before hurrying along.

   At long last, I found Izuku, his sleeping bag lying directly beneath a window. The moon was shined down on his unkempt green hair and freckled face. I breathed, "Midoriya."

   I plopped down next to him and sat there watching him.

   I could not tell you how long it lasted. I wouldn't know how long I sat next to him, watching his chest rise and fall lightly, knowing that he wasn't gone.

    I heard his breath hitch once and became still as a statue watching for him to move. It slowed back down, and, for a moment, I took my eyes off him and glance at the moon before returning to watching him. I breathed, looking down at my own hands. They were still shaking a little. Look at me, so utterly helpless, so utterly helpless without him. I had to get out. I was the vice president after all.

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