The Will to Become Stronger

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Kon'nichiwa minna! Class 1-A has survived another day of tiring training beyond that of which they thought they were capable. However, with the fall of night, Aisawa-sensei has planned out an unscheduled training session. How will each student fair? against each other, against the odds of exhaustion?

Momo Yoayorozu's P.O.V.

     All sixteen of us walked onto the Utility Field yawning. All the same, Aisawa-sensei was waiting for us looking grim as ever.

     Kaminari-san was the first to speak in a whining voice, "Why do we have to stay up, and Class 1-B gets to go to sleep?"

     Aisawa-sensei scowled at Kaminari-san, "I wouldn't be so quick to comment if I were you. You need all the training you can get based off of your fighting over the last few days and your exam scores, or need I remind you?"

     I could see Aisawa-sensei's evil eye and quickly asked the question, "What are we doing?"

     If I couldn't escape, I guessed the best thing to do was embrace this death training. Aisawa-sensei looked at me drowsily, "You will be playing a game of hide and seek. We have two sensors in our class. Jiro and Shoji will be It. The rest of you will hide. Any quirk use is allowed on one condition, you all must be silent. All of you must consider this as if you were at an enemy base. How would you go about scoping the area without getting caught? How would you go about finding the villains?"

     Jiro-san and Shoji-san nodded before separating themselves from the rest of the class, having been directed to the center of the field.

     "You will be separated into two groups," Aisawa-sensei turned to us hiders, "half of you will be on diversion. Use what you have learned today to expand the use of your quirk. The other half will be on reconnaissance. There are seven items littered throughout the Utility Field. Each of you will only pick up one, am I understood?"

    We nodded mutely. Assumedly, the obvious question would be answered shortly.

     "You will be split thus. Asui, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Uraraka, Iida, Midoriya, and Hagakure will be the Reconnaissance Team. Sato, Hanta, Todoroki, Kirashima, Yoayorozu, Bakugo, and Kaminari, you will be the Diversion Team. If the Diversion Team allows the Reconnaissance Team to be caught, you will lose. If anyone from the Diversion Team is caught, you will lose. You may work together or separately to find each of the items. You will win only once they are found."

     With that, he left and walked over to Jiro and Shoji. As much as I wanted to go to bed, I guess we needed to find those items. After I saw him start talking to Jiro and Shoji, I turned to the others, "We need to figure out what items we'll be finding. Aisawa-sensei didn't say anything about what they were supposed to be, so we should probably look for things that are out of the ordinary."

    "Like what?" Uraraka-san asked.

    That set us all thinking. What could be out of the ordinary in a training field? There was a vast number of things that would be out of the ordinary in a training field, but just that sheer fact was overwhelming to consider, causing my mind to run blank.

    As we all sat about scratching our heads, Iida-san spoke up, "It could be anything."

    Tsu-san was nodding, having looked around, "I don't see anything too much out of place at a general glance. Ribbit."

    I looked up when Tokoyami-san spoke, "From what I saw of the field in passing as we came in and left, I don't see anything too strange out here, just the dirt hills and passing buckets. It must be something small enough to go unnoticed at first."

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