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Kunichuwa minna! Here is another fan-fiction, but from My Hero Academia. I'm really excited and hope you enjoy it. But first, a word of caution to all of my enthusiastic readers: this fan-fiction will probably be slowly updated. I'm still working out plot and what not, but I wanted to share this beginning, prologue, preview, whatever you'd like to call it. I should also note that I am heavily leaning on the anime for much the material here; thus, I have little right to any of it, so thank you Kohei Hirokoshi for your work. Now, without further adeiu...

Tenya Iida's P.O.V.

    I saw my nemesis. Every fiber in my being was aching to destroy this man for what he did to my most excellent brother. I would follow in my brother's footsteps and avenge Ingenium, no doubt about it. My feet moved before I had a chance to think; this criminal needed to die.

    Before I could land a single hit, the Hero Killer countered, and I fell to the ground. The strike knocked my helmet clean off my head, but I refused to fall so easily. As I was regaining my breath, I heard him say, "A boy in a suit. Who is he?"

    My blood was boiling. He would know who I was. He would pay for his crimes. He would suffer! However, he had the audacity to have pity on me, "Go away. This is no place for children."

   I would kill this man. I would. I would end his life...for Ingenium and all other heroes who fell by his hand. I sat up and noting his appearance, confirming it with what I had heard, "A scarf as red as blood, carrying blades all over your body, you must be the Hero Killer, Stain!

    "You are, aren't you!" I yelled, releasing a fraction of my pent up anger, "I have been chasing you. I did not think I would find you so soon! I am---"

    "Your eyes," that man scraped through his voice, "they are full of vengeance? Be careful what you say. Depending on the situation even children are my targets."

    I was furious, did he just imply--- did he consider me that far beneath himself?

    "Are you saying that I'm not even--a target?

    "Then listen, criminal. I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked," I exclaimed, standing up, "The younger brother of a most excellent older brother! I have come to stop you in his place! Remember my name for as long as you live! Ingenium. That is the name of the hero who will defeat you!"

    "I see," his voice scraped, "Die."

   I prepared myself, activating the engines in my legs, "Like I would!"

    He quickly dodged my kick muttering, "Ingenium, you are brothers then."

    Before I knew it, he was behind me, "In order to let news of me spread, I let him live."

    He kicked me in the shoulder with his spike toed shoe and slammed me into the ground, "You're weak."

    I hated him even more, glaring at him as he looked down on me, but I was helpless as he reversed his blade and stabbed me through the shoulder, "You and your brother are both weak because you are fakes."

    "Shut up, villain!" yelled a voice. I had forgotten about the person whom I had saved from Stain.

    I put in my word as I wheezed through the agonizing pain, his sword still pressed firmly into my shoulder, "He's paralyzed from the waist down due to spinal cord injury! He will never be able to work as a hero anymore! Tensie was the perfect hero who saved many people...and lead them until now... There's no reason for you to crush him..."

    Tensie is my hero, my role model. He always put others before himself, whether that be fighting in the field or receiving praise from Dad. When I asked one time why he was so motivated, he told me that it because he wanted to make me happy and keep me smiling, "He is my hero. He's my hero who gave me a dream! I won't forgive you... I'll kill you!"

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