I seriously hate running to my Missions!

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Finally, the situation isn't life or death. Well, technically it is since a lot of hero work is life or death on a daily basis (especially with Aizawa as sensei) but at least it's not in the title. Heehee. Thanks for listening to my inner conflict. Before I begin, I dedicate this chapter to CatMight for following me. Thank you CatMight. You're support in appreciated. Now, without further ado.

Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V.

    Classes 1-A and 1-B were being filed into a series a buses at the wee hour of the morning: 7:00. I am not a morning person. We were off school premises by 7:30 and heading to a rigorous summer boot camp as Aizawa-sensei called it. I had fallen asleep next to the window, not even worried about making sure that I had everything and barely keeping track of the fact that I was in the right bus since I saw Iida-san a few seats ahead of me.

     "Ow," I woke to an intense pain on the left side of my face. I groggily opened my eyes to see Ka-chan grinning over me while Iida-san was standing behind him with Asui-san and Uraraka-san looking terrified behind him. "What'd I miss?" I asked no one in particular. If Ka-chan wasn't going to gloat over me and by default explain the situation, I knew that Iida-san at least would be willing to explain, formerly yes, but I knew that I would get an answer.

     Uraraka-san spoke first, "We arrived."

     I nodded slinging my pack over my shoulder and following the four of them outside. As we were leaving the bus, I heard Aizawa-sensei giving introductions, "...Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. They along with the rest of the Wild, Wild Pussycats will be your main instructors over the course of summer camp."

     That woke me up, "The Wild, Wild Pussycats! They're the—Ouch. Ka-chan!"

     Ka-chan just folded his arms, "It' bad enough that I have to share a classroom with you Defenseless Izuku. I'm not going to listen to your prattling on top of that...If you have to do it, do it when I'm not around. Got it, Deku!?"

     I sighed, "Just like always Ka—"

     "You guys think you can be heroes? What a load of crap."

     I wasn't the only one to look for the source of this comment.

     "Kota, you can't say that to them. They—"

     "Yeah, whatever. It's not like they're not just going to die in the end."

     Pixie-Bob-sensei sighed before bubbling over, "Anyway, let's get started. We aren't even at the campsite yet."

     Apparently that was Mandalay-sensei's cue to start her introduction. She looked at us slyly, "That's right. We haven't reached the campsite. It's all the way through the Beast Forest."

     Many groans, moans, and mumbling erupted from the students at the thought of this, myself included. After the past two exams, working with Backdraft, I was tired of running to my missions. Of course, this time it was worse since I had barely anything to eat before getting to school, and it was noon right now.

     However, Mandalay-sensei continued, "You will have three hours to reach the campsite if you want to be in time for dinner."

     "What about lunch?" someone asked.

     I was already turning to the forest preparing myself for the inevitable while Manadalay-sensei sweetly replied, "If you want lunch, you'll have to get there faster."

     I felt a slight tremble in the earth before the lot of us were hurtled into the Beast Forest. I jumped with the avalanche of earth, sliding with it into the valley below and grabbing Uraraka-san and Yaoyorozu-san by their hands as I came by them. We landed in something of a crash, two of us face-planting into the earth while I rolled on impact.

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