Scenes from the second movie.

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The sun hung high in the sky as Arigaoa, Iken, Shikuna, Inuyama, Mine, and Faith, known collectively as the Intelligent Pretty Cures, wandered through the ancient ruins of Athens. /Faith is an exchange student now, and the others had to change of school since it got completely destroyed/ They were on a school trip to Greece, led by their history teacher, Mr. Kirio. The group of students marveled at the rich history surrounding them, with Arigaoa and Iken eagerly discussing the historical significance of each site.

As they strolled through the Parthenon, Mr. Kirio voice filled the air with captivating tales of Greek gods and heroes. It was a picture-perfect summer day, and the Cures couldn't have asked for a better experience.)

Inuyama: Woah, a lot of old buildings have got that ugly white tint to them.

Iken: Ugly white tint? That's a bit disrespectful to say the least.

Arigaoa: Hey, don't insult Greece, Inuyama. Anyway, is that supposed to be the Parthenon?

Shikuna: Yeah, we were wandering through Athens and had to look around the Parthenon. It's this giant marble monument right in the middle of the city. I heard they call it the Temple of Athena, but that name's not really any better.

Mine: Hmm... I find it very cool that the ancient Greeks made a thing like this. Especially when it seems like they made all the knowledge and stuff that's being handed down now.

Iken: Yeah, I can't believe it.

Mr. Kirio: Alright, everyone, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.

The girls and guys looked up and observed a beautiful cloudless sky. Many little white flecks floated by, some of which were sunbeams. Mr. Kirio slowly walked away from the group to point out more highlights of the setting sun.)

Faith: What does this have to do with our trip?

Mr. Kirio: Well, I thought you'd be interested in the view. It's very nice here in the morning, isn't it?

Arigaoa: *yawning* You said the same thing yesterday, so can we move on?

Mr. Kirio was a bit offended, but he continued walking with the group.)


Kagari's intents in action:


Cure Smart: Kimiki!

Alasette: What have you done?!

Cure Intello: She absorbed her own Keeper Energy... And taking it away means...

Kagari: Yes, it means the entire collapse of all the worlds around the universe. *narrowing her eyes maliciously*

Cure Professional: Cut it out. You're a monster. You just tortured Kimiki like a mindless object, and now you're talking trash?!

Kagari: This is already too late. You cannot do anything. Greece is already fading away. And if you think about landing a hit on me in the slightest, you will lose. I know that this might be unjust, but I am only doing it for revenge.

Alasette: O-Oh no... It can't be...

Kagari: Now all I need to do is steal the Sage Tome, execute her, and then no single individual will be harsh to me anymore.

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