1. Thinking back

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Harry pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 17:
So today our dad died... He was burried and me and my sisters were still by his grave.
"I know he was a jerk but I didn't expect him to die yet..." Harriette said and Cj looked at her.
"He wasn't a jerk all the time..."
"You know what she meant Cj..." I muttered.
Ever since the barrier got down, a lot of villains died because of the change of food. They used to have rotten shit and now fresh stuff, since they're old, their body's couldn't handle it that well as the VK's...
Our dad was the seventh villian who died after the barrier got down a few months ago.
I sighed.
"I still hear dad saying, I'm going to stick with you. I don't want more kids." Harriette said and she laughed a little bit.
Cj looked at her.
"Then he's always been terrible with his promises." she said.
"Yea but with his threats, jeez..." Harriette said.
"Yea, remember when we had our first sibling moment after what dad did?" I started.

Harry pov, 12-04-2011, age 8:
So Harriette and I stole some food from the market place.
Our three year old little sister was annoying our dad, who seemed glad that we were back.
Harriette took the food I had over and I picked Cj up from dad.
"Always like that huh." I said and Cj grinnend.
"No not fun." our dad said annoyed.
Cj smiled and I grinned.
"Well Harriette and I were able to get enough food." I said and my dad still seemed annoyed.
As he walked away I looked at Cj.
"Nice going little sis." I said softly.
Harriette looked at me.
"Get your ass over here if you still want some food!" she said and I put Cj down in... Well the family crib, all of us used it once.

So yea, I had to clean up again and Harriette gave Cj some non-solid food which she wouldn't choke on.
I just wanted to head out because I wans going to hang out with Uma and Gil, my friends...
Right, wasn't allowed to call them friends...
My dad looked at me.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"Uma and Gil?"
"Those losers? I mean Uma is fine but why that egg head?"
"Does it matter?"
"Next time you hang out with them, make sure you steal something from them."
"Because we're evil! You understand?!"
I swallowed, if my dad got pissed, you needed to watch out and I nodded quickly.

Then I returned, of course I didn't steal anything from them and man I regretted that a lot.
My dad looked at me in anger.
"So you just 'hung out' like friends? VILLAINS DON'T HAVE FRIENDS! tHEY'RE MEAN AND EVIL AND THEY STEAL!" 
I swallowed and stepped back.
"Father I-" 
He grabbed me by my collar and I got pretty scared.
"I gave you one simple task!"
I swallowed and he looked at me in full anger.
"Next time you won't be able to walk for a few weeks when you disobey me." he said and he just dropped me on the ground.
I saw Cj standing around the corner and she looked at me with fear.
I motioned her to stay where she was and then my dad punched me.
"You understand me this time?!"
"Y- yes father!"
"Oh really? That's what you said last time!"
And he beat me up.

"Dad enough!" someone said after a little while.
My sight was a blur and I felt that I was bleeding on multiple places.
"Harriette, go to your room." my dad said.
"He's eight. That's enough." my older sister said and I looked at her with  gratefull look.
She helped me up and my dad stepped away.
Harriette helped me with my wounds.
"This will sting." she said.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Wonder water, made by Lady Tremaine. Be glad you didn't need this before. It heals wounds."
And yea, it did sting.
I gritted my teeth and Harriette looked at me.
"See, now it's healed." she said and I looked at her.
Then I saw that Cj poked her head around the corner.
"Okay?" she asked and I looked at Harriette for a moment and looked at Cj again.
"Yes, it's okay." I said.
"Come here..." Harriette said and Cj walked/stumbled to us.
"You... Protect..." Cj muttered to me and I looked at her.
"Yea... I told you to stay back... I don't know how dad would've reacted if you'd do anything, besides you're three." I said and Hariette picked Cj up.
"That's where you have a big sister for. I'll always have both of your backs, I promise." she said and she wrapped one arm around me and she held her other arm around Cj.
"We have each others backs." I said and Cj smiled and giggled a bit. 
"Yea!!!" she said on a happy way and Harriette grinned.
"Well it's almost bedtime for you little one. C'mon, I'll take you to bed." she said to Cj and I gave Cj a hug and the girls left.
I rubbed a hand over my face.
W never shared a moment like that before.
It was kinda... nice? 
Man, dad would've killed us if he knew about that...
I looked at the time and I saw it was around 8pm. I was kinda tired after being beaten up and all so I decided to go to sleep as well...

Harry pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 17: 
I looked at my sisters.
"That was the first time we were ever so close." I said.
"I don't remember much of that..." Cj said and Harriette grinned.
"Well you were three, so no one blames you. It was kinda funny seeing you being beaten up because you refused to steal, two yars later you basically stole from everyone." Harriette said.
"Ha-ha. Now none of us steals anymore..."
"Because that's what we promised when the barrier came down." Cj said.
"To be honest, it ain't that bad. I mean we needed to steal to survive. Now we don't have to." Harriette said.
"My thoughts exactly." I said and Harriette gave me a soft nudge.
"Come on, let's go home. It looks like it's going to rain. We'll continue our talk there."
"Or we talk on the way? I mean we have a lot of memories on the isle connected to rain." Cj said.
"Sure, why not?" I said. 
So Cj started to talk as we walked back to the Hook house.

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