18. How bad could it be?

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Harriette pov, 13-11-2020 (present), age 23:
So a couple months have passed and I could basically go into labour any minute now.
Cj told me what happend between Uma and Harry and I felt bad for him.
But for one reason he doesn't want to know who made Uma pregnant, but on the other hand I did understand. He'd probably kill that guy.
Gaston jr. looked at me.
"You good?"
"Still good."
He sat down next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"It's almost time to become parents." I said.
"Yea... It's still weird..."
"I know right..."

Then in the middle night, I felt a lot of contractions and I grabbed Gaston Jr.'s arm to wake him up.
"Harriette...? Is everything alright...?"
"I think the baby is coming..."
"What..?" he said half sleeping.
"I think the baby is coming!" I said and then he was like instantly awake.
"Oh goblins-"
"Shut up and get the car ready!" I said as I felt this huge pain becayse of that little brat wanting to come out.
As Gaston Jr. left the room I grabbed my phonw and called my brother to make sure that if our dumb car would break down again, I'd have some backup.

Harry pov, 13-11-2020 (present), age 18:
So Harriette was going in labour, Gaston Jr.'s car broke down again so she asked me to pick them up and give them a ride to the hospital.
Cj was still sleeping and I left a note in case she'd wake up before I'd be back.

So yea, once we were at the hospital Harriette was taken over by some nurses and Gaston Jr. looked at me.
"Thanks for the help man..."
"Yea, you should let your car get fixed."
He chuckled.
"Yea... I know."
"Keep me updated, I should go home since Cj is still there and she'd be pretty pissed if I'd stay away right now."
"I'll text you when the little one is here."
I nodded and went back into my car as I drove home.

Cj pov, 13-11-2020 (present), age 12:
I remember it all so clearly.
How I read the note and that Harry walked in a second later.
How Gaston Jr. called that our nephew was born.
How everything seemed so... good.
How we ended up in a car accident...

The car was laying upside down, Harry was injured pretty badly and I felt blood streaming over my entire face.
I looked at Harry and reached for him, but I was stuck.
"Harry...?" I muttered but he didn't respond.
I still saw the lights of the other car who drove us off the rode.
A man ran away... Without helping...
"Harry...!" I said a little louder, but speaking was painful...
I reached for my phone and tried to call 9-1-1, which strangely succeeded even though I was so disorientated...
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" this dispatcher said.
"We were in a car accident..." I said with pain.
"What's your name?"
"C... Cj..."
"You said 'we' is there someone there with you?"
"My brother... Harry."
"Okay, I found your location. Are you injured?"
"We both are... But my brother worse then me... He's bleeding a lot..."
"Can you keep pressure on the most bleeding wound?"
"No... I'm stuck..."
"Okay, is your brother awake?"
"No... He's not responding..."
"Can you see if he's breathing?"
"I don't know..."
I was scared as hell, we were just on the way to the damn hospital for Harriette and now we needed to go there ourselves... or myself...
I heared the dispatcher calling my name.
"Cj? Cj are you still there?"
"Y- yea..."
"I need to know how your situation is as well."
"I'm bleeding... Talking hurts..."
"I could hear that second one. I need you to stay calm alright?"
"My brother needs help..."
"You both do and the help in on the way. Was there another car in the accident to?"
"Yes... But the driver ran away..."
"Over there!" someone shouted and I saw that spme paramedics came to us.
A lady walked to me.
"Alright, everything will be fine..."
"Help my brother first..."
I knew I'd be fine. I was stuck but not that badly injured as him... Besides he's my big brother, how was I supposed to deal with the fact if he died there...
"My colleagues are helping him, I'm taking care of you okay."
"I'm stuck..."
The lady called over some of her other colleagues and well (too bad for Harry since his car was brand new) they had to take some parts off to get me out of there.

As I was out of the wreck I saw how they got my brother out as well.
That same lady sat next to me.
"It's gonna be okay. But you need to go to the hospital with us."
"How ironic... We were headed there..."
"Why was that?"
"Our older sister just had a son..."
"Well both of you will meet your nephew soon enough."
"I'm not leaving without my brother..."
"That's understandable."
I had tears in my eyes as I saw how badly injured Harry really was, even worse then it seemed when we were still in the car...
"How much badluck can someone have in his life..." I muttered softly.

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