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Harriette pov, 23-12-2020 (present), age 24: 
So Cj and I both turned a year older and Harry was out of the hospital again. 
Ever since the barrier got down the core four has been telling the other VK's stuff about this christmas thing coming up in a few days. 
The old me would say it sounded pretty boring but right now, I thought it was a great idea of having some quality time with family. 
It was also quite funny to see how Harry was working pretty hard to fix that car of his of the accident, slthough he would've probably saved a lot of money if he just bought a new one... But you know how stubborn Harry is.
Little Killian was really clumsy and that was kinda funny.
Gaston Jr. and I were having a great time.
I mean Harry and Cj even agreed to baby sit little Killian today so Gaston Jr. and I could have one last date night before this whole Christmas thing.

Harry pov, 24-12-2020 (present), age 18:
So little Killian was gonna be picked up this morning because he was asleep last night when Harriette and Gaston Jr. wanted to pick him up.
If there's something I learned from baby Cj when I was six, never wake a sleeping baby.
Little Killian was smiling a lot when Harriette came to pick him up.
"Hey there buddy." Harriette said and Killian smiled a lot.
I chuckled.
"You know, that guy is an early bird. He was already awake at 7am."
"Why were you awake then?" Cj asked as she looked at me.
"Because I had to lose some water, so what?"
Harriette rolled her eyes.
"I'm just gonna head home with my little guy. Thanks for keeping an eye on him guys."
"No problem." I said.
"Anytime." Cj added.
"I almost forgot, Mal wanted to tell yiu guys about this party later? I passed on it because I'd prefer to stay home with little Killian and Gaston Jr. She seemed to hope you guys would come... Like all people of your age range."
I looked at Cj.
"Well, what do you want?"
"Hell yea!"
Harriette grinned.
"Have fun guys."
"You too."

So Cj basically had fun with Zevon the whole 'party' and well I was mostly just trying not to stand out since I was actually the only one on my own.
There was some music of people who were actually preforming, like this girl which I never saw before.
She actually had something y'know... She had long dark hair and this kinda orange Indian dress thing.
And well, she basically sang thus song 'Genie in a bottle'.
So my best guess was that she was Genie's daughter.
I kinda smiled a bit because she made me feel what I used to feel everytime Uma looked at me.
Mal walked over to me with a sly smile.
"I know that look."
And she basically pulled me out of my thoughts.
"That look. You like her don't you?"
"What? I... I don't know... Maybe..."
Then after this girl was finishing her song and left the 'stage' Mal basically took my arm and dragged me along.
"Hey Jordan." Mal said and the Genie's daughter looked at us.
Goblins this was so embarrassing...
"Hey Mal. Who's your friend?"
Mal gave me a soft nudge, I looked at 'Jordan' and that feeling came up again. Crap.
"Hi... I'm Harry." I said and Jordan looked at me.
"I'm Jordan but I suppose you could already guess that thanks to Mal." she said and I grinned a little.
Mal looked at me.
"Goodluck." she said softly as she left to go dance with Ben.
"It's not just a little obvious she's trying to set us up." Jordan said and I looked at her.
"Y- yea..."
"Wanna dance?"
"I'm a terrible dancer."
"Good, because so am I."
"Didn't seem like that up there."
"Dancing on your own music and dancing with someone is way different."
"I suppose that's true."
"I heared quite a lot about you though."
"Oh goblins..."
"Relax, only good stuff."
"Good stuff or good stuff?" I asked teasingly and Jordan chuckled.
"You really are something y'know." she said with a smile.
"Well so are you."
"Come with me." she said as she took my hand.
I swallowed and looked at her.
"Where to?"
"Outside, it's pretty crowded in here."
"I'm pretty sure that's what the use is of a party."
She grinned and we walked outside.

The stars were really bright but it wasn't that warm outside. I saw Jordan regretted coming outside and I gave her my kether jacket.
"Here..." I said and Jordan looked at me.
"I always thought VK's used to be rude."
"Not to beautiful girls."
She looked at me.
"Well you're quite handsome yourself."
She looked up and the stars were really bright, I could even see the reflection of them in Jordan her eyes.
As Jordan looked back at me we both knew what happend and we kissed.
Okay, don't tell Uma but Jordan is a wayyy better kisser.
I looked at her.
"That good huh?"
I chuckled and she grabbed my collar as we kissed again.
I looked at her.
"I might've given you my jacket but maybe we should go inside since it's pretty cold?"
Jordan nodded.
"I know a good place."
I might've sended a quick text to Cj so she knew why I left the party though.

So Jordan and I went to this kinda attic of Auradon prep.
"An attic?" I asked confused and Jordan shoke her head.
"No not that... It's here somewhere..." she said, clearly looking for something.
She seemed to have found it amd she looked at me.
"Do you trust me?" she asked.
"Should I be worried why you ask that?" I said and Jordan rolled her eyes.
"It'll be fine."
"In that case I might do."
She grinned and took my hand.

The next thing I knew we were in this Genie kinda room... Like the inside of a lamp or something...
"Is this...?" I asked without finishing my sentence.
"My lamp yes, but don't worry. I'm only half a Genie which means we can get out of here whenever we want."
I looked at her.
"How can I be worried when I'm around you?"
She smiled and we kissed for quite some time.
Yea, we sticked to kissing. It was the first day we met, c'mon!

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