19. Help...

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Harriette pov, 13-11-2020 (presnt), age 23:
So I had my little boy in my arms and Gaston Jr. looked at me.
"He got your eyes..." he muttered.
"He basically looks like you for the rest."
He gave me a soft kiss and I grinned.
"What was that for?"
"You being you."
Our little boy giggled and I looked at Gaston Jr.
"What should we name him?"
"Anything you want." he said and I basically couldn't think of anything, we never could decide on anything...
A peraedic walked in with a kind of worried look nd some blood on her unifrom?
"Harriette Hook?"
I looked up.
"Yes...? Is something wrong...?"
"Your brother and sister are here in the hospital... They were in a car accident."
"Oh my goblins- Are they okay?!"
"They're going to be. But I need you to stay calm, alright?"
Gaston Jr. squeezed my hand softly and I looked at the paramedic.
"How bad is it...?"
"Your brother had the biggest blow during the accident. He isn't awake yet but your sister seems pretty fine, she has some small wounds but nothing serious. She should be free to get out of the hospital in a few days just like you..."
"Goblins... is he that bad injured...?"
"He had some glas sharps in his chets and lost a lot of blood... But he is going to be fine."
"How can you possibly say that when he isn't even awake yet?!" I shouted and our little boy started to cry. 
Gaston Jr, tried to calm me down and then Cj walked in the room.
"Harriette..." she had tears in her eyes as she said my name...
Gaston Jr. toook our baby over from me and I sat up straight so I could hug my little sister.
"It's okay..."I whispered, not knowing if it really was.
"Do you think he's gonna die...?" she asked softly and I shoke my had as I cupped Cj's face in my hands.
"No. Don't you say that. You know how stubborn Harry is. You need more then one thing to get him out of the game."
"But all that blood... And-"
"Take it easy alright? You're woried and so am I. Right now I"m already glad that you're okay... Harry is going to be too. You know that guy, he's been through a lot and he can handle this too."
"Are you sure?"
"Do you promise?"
"I... I'm sorry Cj, but I can't do that..."
She looked at me and she nodded.
"I get that..."
"Hey, maybe this lil' guy can cheer you up a little...?" Gaston Jr. said as he showed Cj our boy.
She chuckled a little.
"He really is just like you but with my sisters eyes."
"That's exactly what the two of us said earlier..." I said and Cj looked at us.
"What's his name?"
"We have no idea yet..."
"I'm sure you'll come up with something..." Cj said.

So the next week Harry was still in this some sort of coma and Cj had to stay with us since she wasn't allowed to live on her own. Gadton Jr. and i decided to call our son Killian Harold Hook (Gaston Jr. wanted for us to stick with Hook). 
Cj went to the hospital all lot to check up on Harry in the hope he'd wake up... I had to stick around little Killian since Gaston Jr. had to go to work,
I was really hoping that Harry would wake up soon... It was taking really long and I was afraid that if he stayed in that coma for too long, they'd pull the plug. And trust me, if they would do that; they'd end up in a coma themselves!

Cj pov, 20-11-2020 (present), age 12: 
So I was sitting next to my brother again... Like I did the past week everyday...
I sighed.
"When will you finally wake up again... It's not funny Harry..." I muttered.
Except for Zevon, Harry was basically everything to me and he was always there for me when I needed him... No matter how big I screwed up...
I mean sure I still had Harriette but the relation between me and my sister was different then the one I had with my brother. 
A nurse came by and checked his vitals, then left without a word... I knew his chances were low to wake but I just had to keep faith...
I mean we already lost dad... I- We couldn't lose Harry too... 
Harriette was all I had on that moment and all I wanted was for Harry to freaking wake up because that son of a bitch always had shit like this! 
"Remember that time on the isle we had so much fun when dad and Harriette were gone for a week...? That was the most fun we ever had on the isle..." I said softly as I thought back to it. 

Cj pov, 08-10-2017, age 9: 
So Harriette and dad left and I looked at Harry.
"So just the two of us for a week, what's the plan?"
Harry smirked.
"Wanna see what dad kept hiding in hs office?"
So we did everything dad specifically told us not to do... We didn't even get caught afterwards.
Also Harry and I had a lot of fun. I mean no yelling dad, no over serious sister.
Just us, the youngest and the most irresponsible. Best combo ever (technically the worst but not for us)!

After a while the two of us sat down on the couch and Harry looked at me.
"So one day down, six more to go. What shit should we do tomorrw?"
"Perhaps stealing some not that rotten food?" I said with a smirk and Harry chuckled.
"I see what you're doing. You want me to snatch something from Ursula's during my next shift working for Uma."
"Hey, don't put the words in my mouth." I said with a sly smile and he grinned.
"Do you think things would be different if mom was still with us? 
"I don't know... Maybe then the two of us weren't that close as now..."
"Maybe it's for the best we don't know much about her... Except for the fact she's gone... I mean dad and Harriette wouldn't keep it a secret for nothing... Right?"
"Yea... Probably..."
I looked at Harry and grinned.
"What?" he asked confused.
"Just, don't look at your shoulder."
"Just don't. You'll regret it. I swear."
But of course he looked at he almost scared to death when he saw that huge spider.
"A warning could've been usefull!"
"I did warn you!"
We burst out in laughter and basically had the best week ever on the isle, which I could remember though.

Cj pov, 20-11-2020 (present), age 12: 
I sighed.
"I can't wait to be together in the hook house again... Just us having fun again. No bullshit, no crap. Just us... If there ever comes a time that it could be possible of course..."
I swallowed and looked at the clock.
"Almost time for me to leave again... It's no fun without you brother... Besides our nephew is still waiting to meet you y'know..."
Then a nirse walking in again.
"Visitor hour is over... I must ask you to leave..."
"Yes, I know..." I muttered.
"His situation is stable. He will wake up again."
"But when?"
"I don't know... We can't predict that..."
I sighed as I looked at Harry.
"I'll come by tomorrow again... Like everyday... Untill you finally wake up, you idiot..." I said and I wanted to stand up but I felt that I could let go of Harry's hand... Because he held mine as well.
"What the...?" I muttered and he slowly opened his eyes.
"No need lil' sis..." he said softly and I looked at him.
"What on earth even happend...?"
I looked at the nurse.
"Can I please stick around a little longer?"
She looked a me witha warm smile.
"Yes. I'll make an exception because he just woke up."
"Thank you ma'am."
She nodded once and left, so I sat down again.
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"Getting in the car to go to Harriette with you..."
"Well, a lot has happend after that... Let's say we ended up in a car accident... You were in some sort of coma thing for a week..."
"That explains the huge headache..."
I chuckled.
"Idiot... I was really worried about you. You were bleeding so much when the car was laying upside down..."
"Dare I ask what's left of that new car?"
"Just be glad you're still alive."
"Hey, I wasn't going anywhere... Hook-team forever right?"
"Forever and always." I said with a weak smile.
Harry forced himself to sit up and I hugged him.
"I'm so glad you're awake again..."
"I'm already glad that both of us are okay."

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