7. A broken heart

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Harriette pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 23:
So Harry left and Cj looked at me.
"Are we really gonna talk about his ex behind his back?" she asked and I looked at her.
Then both of us burst out in laughter.
"Of course we are." I said.
Cj grinned and I sighed.
"So it was a few years after they got together..."

Harriette pov, 23-06-2017, age 20:
Harry seemed a bit on edge and I grinned.
"Trouble in love island?"
"According to rumours, Mal and the core four are going to Auradon. But that doesn't make sense!"
"Have you tried talking to Mal?" I said.
"Oh come on. You've been dating for kore then two years now!"
"But what if it's just a rumour, then it would be awkward."
"Dude, I see you talking to her everyday, it's always awkward between you two."
"That's not-"
I raised my eyebrow and he sighed.
"Okay maybe that's true. But still."
Cj looked at us.
"Everything okay?"
"Go hang out with Zevon." I said.
"Okay...?" Cj and she left.
Harry looked at me.
"You're gonna farce me to talk to her, huh?"
I grabbed his arm and the two of us walked to Maleficent's castle AKA Mal's home.

"I really hate you." Harry said.
"Oh you'll thank me later." I said, I felt terrible for saying that after the two of them broke up...
So Mal saw us and her eyes lit up as she locked eyes with Harry.
"Well goodluck." I said and I pretended to leave. I was standing on the roof of the building, hanging close by Mal's window so I could hear and see them talking.
"I have to ask you something." Harry said.
"No, I need to tell you something first." Mal said.
Then I knew that it was gonna be fun.
"Please, it's important." Mal said and Harry nodded.
"I know this will sound insane but-"
"-you're going to Auradon with Carlos, Jay and Evie?" Harry filled in and Mal looked at him.
"How do you know?"
"Words travel fast..."
"You're really leaving me behind huh?"
"Don't see it like that. The others and I are gonna steal the wand of Fairy godmother and then we will break the barrier."
"Yea right."
"I mean it. That's the whole plan."
"Why would you even be able to leave in the first place?"
"I don't know, this prince Ben guy thought it would be a good idea to give VK's a chance."
"A prince guy?"
"No. Don't be like that."
"Have fun with your new boyfriend..."
"Harry please listen. I promise that I'll break the barrier and that I'll come back for you." Mal said and Harry looked at her.
"Yes. Hell, you're the first guy I ever loved!"
She kissed him and Harry left.

Then we all know what happend, Mal never came back, well at least not for Harry. Then she was all depressed with Ben, who got kidnapped by yours truly (Harry), then the whole battle but what people forgot was that Harry talked to Mal before that battle...
And of course I was spying on them.

Harry walked to Mal.
"I knew you'd break that promise." he said, Mal didn't notice him and he scared her.
"Harry! I..."
"I saw it happen. You literally had the wand..."
"I couldn't do that to them..."
"But you could break my heart by saying that you chose love and then go with Ben. You have no idea how much pain that caused..."
"Harry... I-"
"You know, I should've known. You can't trust Northsiders anyway!"
"Hey that's not true!"
"You ditched me for a prince/king guy, like you said you wouldn't!"
"How was I supposed to know that he was so cute and sweet and-"
"Shut up! Good luck saving him. I might not play nice out there."
"If you hurt him I'll-"
"Keep those promises to yourselfz they're lies anyway."
"I never loved you!" Mal yelled and Harry turned back to her.
"W- what...?"
Mal's anger vanished and she looked at Harry, who seemed more hurt then ever.
"I'm suprised that your mom still ain't proud of you... You're the worst person I've ever met." Harry said and he left.
I saw that Mal wanted to go after him, it was obvious she didn't meant that but Harry couldn't see that because he was already hurt.
I felt bad for him and I actually wanted to kill Mal, but then again I'd had to face Maleficent so that's why I left Mal alone.

Harriette pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 23:
Cj looked at me.
"Now I understand why Harry didn't want to talk about it..."
"Yea... It sucked and he wasn't hisself after that... He was more on edge and all that." I said.
"Mal did love him, right?"
"Until beasty boy came in, yea. She was just mad and yelled that..."
We heares that the door openend and closed and Harry was home again.
"I'm suprised you didn't stay at Uma's place." I said.
"Oh y'know." I said with a smirk and Harry rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry." Cj said to Harry and he looked at her.
"Did I miss something?"
"She's talking about how you and Mal really broke up." I said.
"Oh... Don't worry about it. That was 3 years ago." Harry said.
Cj's phone buzzed and her face lit up.
"Zevon." Harry and I said on the same time and Cj blushed.
"Remember when she met Zevon?" Harry asked and Iaughed hard.
"Hell yea!"
"Shut up."
"You talked about my ex, I'm talking about your boyfriend. Deal with it." Harry said and I grinned.

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