2. A rainy day

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Cj pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 12:
So we were on our way home when it started to rain.
"I still hate rain." Harriette said.
"You hate everything." I said.
"Neh,I don't hate you guys." Harriette said.
"Well that's been along time since you didn't hate us." Harry said.
"You know... The rain reminds me of something... What happend on the isle." I said.
"What?" Harriette asked.
"When I was six..." I started.

Cj pov, 06-10-2016, age 8:
I stole a bike. Which I could use. Since I could ride a bike, unlike my older brother...
Anyways I was on my way home when it started to rain.
"Oh come on..." I muttered.
I just rode my (stolen) bike, no big deal.
But there was this mud puddle which I thought I could ride through. But I slipped and fell.
My knees were bleeding and my head hurt.
There was this wall which I sat down to.
I had a lot of pain in my knees and it felt like I couldn't get up.
It started to rain harder and I also thought that I heared thunder.
"Are you kidding me...?" I muttered.
I tries to get up but I fell down again.
Then I saw my older brother Harry walking with his best friend Gil.
Maybe he'd help me if he noticed me... But I didn't want to call out for help, to be seen as weak.
But Harry looked towards me as he talked to Gil.
He saw me. We locked eyes for a moment but walked away with Gil.
I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, not because he didn't help me but because I felt stupid for hopeing he'd help... and because of the pain in my knees and head.

Harriette looked at me by the time I came home.
"Where were you?! It's been raining for hours by now and there was storm!"
She noticed my knees were bleeding and she looked at me.
"What happend?"
Harry walked into the room but left instantly as he saw me.
Harriette noticed and she looked at him.
"Get back here! You know more."
Harry sighed.
"Okay fine! I saw her in an alley when I was walking to Uma's place earlier but I didn't help her. So what?!"
Harriette face palmed herself.
"What did dad say about helping people?"
"Never do that." I said.
"Unless...?" Harriette said annoyed.
"It's family..." Harry said softly.
"Idiot." Harriette said and she helped me with my wounds.
"It's not that deep, so I'm not gonna use wonder water. That would be a waste. This'll do." and she put some stolen fabric which we use as bandage around it.
"Thanks Harriette..."
"I made a promise. I'm not planning on breaking it like that idiot did."
"What promise?"
"Right, you were three so you probably don't remember..."
"Well we kinda promised eachother to have each others backs... Apparently our brother didn't like the idea anymore."
I tried to remember but I couldn't I was probably just too young back there.

When I sat down on my bed a little while later, my door was still open, I saw Harry walking to his room.
He saw me and sighed.
"You know I didn't mean it like that, right?"
I shrugged and Harry walked to me.
"I kinda lied. We waren't on out way to Uma's place but somewhere else. Jay challenged me and I didn't want to let him win... Y'know..."
"Look, I would've helped you... I just..."
"Had to be a jerk?"
"Okay, I deserved that one."
"You'd think?"
"I'm sorry alright... I... I know I made a promise but I couldn't let Jay win that dumb shit so he could rub it in my face..."
"I get it."
"So- Wait you what?"
"I get it. Never let your enemy win. Especially that guy."
"So... you're not mad?"
"Not mad... But it did hurt when you just walked away..."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine... I mean, I get it."
"So there's no revenge coming up?"
I gave Harry a hug and he grinned.
"So I'm not the worst brother ever?"
"Neh, justa close second."
He gave me a playfull push.

Cj pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 12:
"Yea... I still remember that..." Harry muttered.
"And how dad scolded you before you and Cj made up." Harriette said with a smirk.
"What was that callenge of Jay anyways?" I asked.
Harry looked at me.
"To be honest, I'm not sure if I remember..."
"Bullshit. Jay challenged you to-" Harriette said but Harry stopped er.
"Shut up. I said I didn't remember." Harry said quickly.
"Oh-kay...?" I said a bit confused.
"I might tell you later." Harry said.
"Okay, but let's get inside now since we're home and because it's still raining." Harriette said.
"Besides it's Harriette's turn to tell something." I said.
"Turn? What is it, a game?" Harriette asked and Harry grinned.
"Why, do you have other plans?"
"Well... no."
"Great." I said.
So we went inside and I was curious of what Harriette was gonna remind/tell us.
Maybe she was going to talk about mom... Since she was the only one who remembered something about her...

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