14. Goblins

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Cj pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 12:
So yea, Harry definitely had the most trouble so far. I mean for real? Did that guy never had some luck?
Harriette looked at me.
"So... the goblins incident?"
"Right... Let's say Zevon and I hubg out once... And we got caught by Maleficent who told Yzma that her son was spendig time with a southsider. Then the worst part happend..." I said and Harry grinned.
"Don't you mean fun part?" he said teasingly.
"Ohw shut up you." I said.
"Don't worry about that guy. His mouth is bigger then the thing Una wants big."
Harry lookes at Harriette.
"That was just mean."
"Is it? Or was it a fact." I said teasingly and Harry simply left.
"Idiot." Harriette and I said on the same time.
"So, you still wanna tell the goblin story?" Harriette asked.

Cj pov, 25-08-2015, age 7:
So Zevon and I had this kinda 'date' thing...
Things went fine... Until we both decided to walk on the northside, worst decision ever!
We got caught by Maleficent when we were walking together as in hand in hand.
"Zevon? Why are you walking together with a southsider?! Does your mom even know what kind of idiot you are?! Like my daughter!"
"Maleficent please... Don't tell my mom..." Zevon said while begging but ofcourse Maleficent did.

Zevon's mom Yzma saw the tso of us making out the next day and she grabbed Zevon by his arm.
"What the hell are you doing?!" and she slapped him in the face.
"N-nothing..." Zevon said as he rubbed with his hand over the painfull spot on his cheek and I looked at Yzma.
"It's my fault. Not his. I- I kissed him." I said and Yzma narrowed her eyes at me.
"Of course it's the southsiders fault." she said and she dragged Zevon back home.
He looked at me with a thankfull, yet worried look.

So yea, I knew I was in trouble sonce Yzma and Maleficent were great allies of each other. And I was right, a few goblins of Maleficent came after me a week later.
Of course they catched up on me and well they dragged me along all the way to the Maleficent's castle.
They tied me up and Maleficent was there a few minutes later as well.
She looked at me.
"I should've known it was your fault. You Hook's ruin everything for us northsiders. You ruin our kids with your stupid southside stuff!"
I swallowed and she grinned.
"Time to get back on you. Because when I di this to you, it'll get your brother in trouble as well."
"Oh boy..." I muttered and Maleficent grinned.
"And do you know why?" she asked and I shoke my head while I hesitated.
"Because your dad will blame him anyway." she said on this wicked way and I swallowed.
Then Maleficent just picked up her dagger as she flipped it over in her hands.
"This creates multiple opportunities for me to ruin you... Why not checking if one of your brothers fears is also yours..." and she smirked as she cut off a random lock of hair.
I was shocked for a moment, but I wasn't that addicted to my hair as my older brother.
So Maleficent had no fun in that so she let the goblins beat me up.

I had a black eye, my nose was bleeding, a few goblins stabbed me and I could barely walk.
Yet I did have to walk home, which I did.
Harry was the only one home and he looked at me in suprise.
"What on earth happend to you?" he asked.
"Goblins..." was all I said and I lost my balance.
Harry actually catched me and helped to get to the couch...
"Are you alright...?" he asked.
"The stab wounds aren't in vital places and not that deep... So sure..."
Harry looked at me.
"Was it Maleficent?"
"How did you know?"
Then he pointed at the lock of hair which was a bit shorter then the rest.
"She tried my fear on you?"
The two of us actually chuckled until dad came home.
Maleficent was right, Harry did get the blame.
That's how Harry got those scars on his back...
Kinda funny though.

Cj pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 12:
Harriette looked at me and burts out in laughter.
"Man I wish I saw the look on Harry's face when he got the blame..." she said while she was dying of laughter.
I grinned.
"It was pretty funny." I said and we both were laughing.
"But I can't believe Maleficent let her goblins beat you up... Why didn't she torture you herself?" Harriette asked.
"Oh that was also the day Zevon got that scar on his cheek. Maleficent wanted to know if it was really my fault, of course he broke so she cut him in his face."
"Hey wanna help me put some old stuff of me on the attic?" I asked and Harriette looked at me.
"Sure, I mean it's not like I'm pregnant..." she said sarcastically.
"It's just a few boxes of old destroyed teddybears."

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