16. Fear

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Harry pov, 29-03-2020 (present), age 18:
So a month has passed; Harriette moved out, I turned 18, Cj actually asked Uma to restore that hat with her magic (which she did) and now were Uma and I walking by the enchanted lake.
"You know, a lot has changed in just a few weeks." Uma said and she smiled.
"It's not that much... Some people consider me as an adult now, which I wouldn't and Harriette moved out."
"Goblins, did I forget to tell you?"
I looked at her and we stopped walked.
"Tell me what?"
"I... eh..."
"Harry, just the guy I was looking for!" Ben's voice said and Uma and I looked up.
"Oh sh*t... What did I do this time?" I asked and Ben looked at me in confusion.
"Most of the time when people say that, it's because I'm in trouble..."
"What? No. But I do need to talk to you."
I looked at Uma.
"I'm sorry... Can we talk later...?"
She nodded and kissed my cheek before she left.
I looked at Ben and sighed.
"So what's so important?"
"Did you guys actually had vaccinations on the isle?"
"I'm sorry what now?"
"You don't know what it is?"
"I guess that also answers my other question..."
"I suppose you would tell me now what it is and why you asked me?" I said and Ben looked at me.
"You're 18 right?"
"Yea...? Why do you ask that?"
"Let's say here in Auradon there is something with the age of 16 for some vaccinations but it should also work when a person is 18..."
"Hold up, what and why is that?"
"A vaccin is some sort of protection against viruses and some diseases. And here in Auradon people who turned 16 get one of those for protection against a disease which has something to do with... their genitals..."
"But what is it...?" I asked while I felt I was getting uncomfortable.
"Just an injection. Nothing more."
Then that moment of the isle shot through my mind where Harriette caused my fear of needles.
"Yea, hell no!" I said and I walked away.
Ben followed me.
"What's the problem? It's only to prevent-"
"No. Leave me alone, I mean it." I said as I kept walking.
"What's the big deal?" Ben asked and I looked at him.
"Why don't you mind your own business!"
He looked at me and I sighed.
"Just... Leave me alone..."
"Perhaps my sister will talk me into it, but please don't talk about it again. Okay?"
Ben nodded and I left quickly.

Cj looked at me as I closed the door.
"You seem rattled, what happend?" she asked.
"Liar." Harriette said and she smirked.
"Please tell me you don't know..." I muttered and she shrugged.
"I might've walked into Ben earlier..." she said with a grin and I looked at her.
"Don't you dare!" I said and she grinned.
"What's going on?" Cj asked.
"Harry needs to-"
"Please shut up Harriette... I don't want to talk about it..." I said and Cj looked at me.
"Are you okay...?"
"Yea... Sure... Crap! I promised Uma to meet up later. I got to go." I said as I went to Ursula's fish and chips shop.

Uma looked at me.
"Hey stranger. What did Ben want?"
"Can we please not talk about that..."
"Why not? How bad could it be?"
"Trauma bad."
"Yikes, which one?"
"Oh ha-ha."
"What? Spider, bald, needles-"
"Fine, I got a few traumas..."
"Wanna talk somewhere else?"

So we went to this little office thing of her and she looked at me.
"So which one of the three?" she asked.
"Last one..."
"Wait, are you talking about thise vaccinations for protection against a disease which has something to do with genitals?"
"How do you know that?" I asked suprised.
"Ben recently talked about a cervical cancer vaccination that consists of two injections, while for you guys it only consists of one. I've already had the first one because he kept whining about it. The second is in six months."
"Wait, really?"
"Yea. It's not that big deal. You'll be fine."
"You actually want me to do this?"
"They say it'll end up badly if you wouldn't..."
"How bad could it be? We had lots of crazy shit on the isle."
"Yea and if it wasn't for that stuff Maleficent gave Harriette, you would've died. Who knows how that crazy shit will go if you wouldn't take that shot."
"Just think about it... Okay? I don't want you to get something bad when something simple could prevent it."
She kissed me as we left her office and I went home...

But I never made it home because a few of Ben's guards grabbed me.
"Hey what the hell?!" I yelled and they kinda locked me up.
Ben appeared short after that and I looked at him.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Your sister told me something and she came up with this."
"Oh no, hell no!" I said but Ben motioned me to calm down.
"Hey come on. Is it really that big deal?"
"You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I was actually getting calmer about your BS but now you just had to do this! What the hell?!"
"Just calm down. You'll be fine."
"I won't let them put a syringe in my ass!"
"Just calm- Wait, your ass? What no! It's just a little injection in your shoulder. Who the hell told you it was in your ass?"
"You said it was like that stuff with that virus on the isle and that stuff of Maleficent."
"How was I supposed to know that then? I just assumed it was 'normal' like here."
"Dude, the isle... Nothing there is normal!"
"Yea... I should've expected that..."
"Do I really have to do this Ben...?"
"It's technically for your own good..."
"C'mon, I'm 18. Don't treat me like a 5-year old. I know there are risks but I simply don't care because I'm already terrified of something else."
Ben sighed.
"Fine. But don't tell Harriette I let you get out of this."
I sighed.
"Unbelievable..." I muttered.

No memory this chapter, you'll know why in the next chapter...

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