13. The virus of the isle

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Harry pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 17:
So Harriette was coming back in an hour and Cj and I were just messing around for a bit.
"So you heared everything last night didn't you?" I asked.
"Yea..." Cj said and she looked away for a moment.
"Why is Harriette so afraid?"
"Because I believe that she thinks that becoming a parent is a scary thing. I mean I already think that being a big brother is quite a challenge, I don't want to be a screw up. Harriette isn't just an older sibling anymore. She's becoming a parent herself. She doesn't want to be a parent like dad used to be y'know?"
"I think I understand... Still weird, the idea that it will be just the two of us for real..."
"Yea it sure is..."
I looked at Cj.
"But we'll manage. How hard can it be, just the two of us?"
"Yea, it'll be fun."
"How so?"
"Because then you'd be the oldest in the house which means you can make the rules."
"Oh ha-ha."
I gave her a soft push and she grinned.
Then Harriette came in.
"Well, good to knoe that you guys can have fun without me." she said with a grin.
"Hey sis!" Cj said.
"Glad to see you've got your normal hair color back." Harriette said teasingly and Cj chuckled.
"Yea, yea. Lesson learned."
"Good." I said with a grin.
Harriette looked at me.
"Well you learned your lesson years ago. With that virus back then." she said and I grinned nervously.
"Yea, I know."
"Yea are you gonna tell me now about that?" Cj asked and I chuckled.
"Let me start, you can take over later." Harriette said as she took a seat as well.
"Sure..." I muttered, knowing how she meant it.

Harriette pov, 16-09-2007, age 10:
So there was this virus going on on the isle, it was mostly going to the toddlers and it was also kinda deadly for people around the age of five and younger.
Which was also the reason why dad and I specifically told my 4 year old little brother to stay the hell inside.
But after a few hours, I noticed that he wasn't whining about me not wanting to play with him and I looked around.
"Harry...?" I said.
My dad just walked into the room and he looked at me as he saw my expression.
"He went outside, didn't he?"
I bit my lip and the two of us were about to go lool for him when he just walked in with a pale face.
"Dad... Harriette... I don't feel so good..." Harry muttered and I shared a look with my dad.
"Come here..." I said and I felt with my hand he had a fever... Like all the other kids with the virus.
"Why did you go outside?" Dad asked and Harry shrugged.
"I got bored... But I wish I stayed inside now..."
I looked at dad.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
Dad sended Harry to bed in the hope he would feel better later...

After a few hours I decided to check up on him but of course he wasn't getting better.
He was asleep and I stroke his hair out of his face.
He was glowing and really pale. I sighed.
"Why didn't you just listen...?" I said softly.
He muttered something as he woke up.
"I messed up badly... Didn't I...?" he asked and because of the way how he said it, it was already worse...
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Not that good..."
He looked like shit and he tried to sit up.
"It's gonna kill me, isn't it...?" he asked and I hugged him.
"I'll figure something out... I promise."
"Hey, I'm not planning on losing my little brother. Get some more sleep okay? I'll be back later with something to make you feel better."
Harry nodded and I hugged him once more and he smiled weakly before he went to sleep again.

I walked to dad and sighed.
"There has to be something so he wouldn't die!" I said as I plopped down on the couch and dad looked at me.
"Rumours go that Maleficent's daughter had the virus too... But Maleficent managed to make something to help her. Who am I kidding, it's not like Maleficent would help Harry." dad said and I looked at him.
"Wanna bet on that one?" I said as I grabbed my coat.
"You're wasting your time."
"Just make sure Harry doesn't die until I get back!" I said as I ran outside.

Maleficent seemed suprised to see me.
"The little Hook girl, you're a long way from home." she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Is it true that you cured your daughter from the virus?" I asked.
"Why do you care?"
"I need you to help my brother as well."
"Not interested."
"I got my dad's money from his vault." I said as I dropped one bag of gold.
Maleficent raised her eyebrow.

Harry pov, 16-09-2007, age 4:
So a few hours have passed and dad came by my room.
"Hey kid..." he said as he leaned against the door frame.
I looked at him and I started to throw up.
"Gross..." I muttered.
"I'll let your sister clean that up later."
"Do you think she'll be back soon...?"
"Knowing her? Hell yea. You're her everything."
"R- really?"
"Yes, you mean the world to her. You're her little brother after all."
I grinned a little but that turned into coughing really quickly.
My dad sat down next to me and he looked at me.
"Take it easy, kid... Your sister should be back soon..."

So I fell asleep (apparently) and I woke up by a soft nudge against my shoulder.
"Hey lil' brother... I got you something..." Harriette said and she smiled.
"Are you gonna make me better?" I asked weakly and she nodded.
Because that stuff Maleficent gave her was needed to be an injection... in my ass...
Dad had to hold me to make sure I wasn't gonna struggle against it.
But yea, it did make me feel better though... after a few days... Harriette appeared to put the needle a bit too deep which caused quite some pain.

Harriette pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 23:
I grinned.
"You were yelling so hard because of the pain!" I said while laughing and Cj grinned too.
"Ha ha. Very funny..." Harry muttered.
"You said it yourself." Cj said teasingly.
"Because I knew that if I didn't Harriette would add it!"
"True." I said and Harry threw a pillow at me.
"Hey easy, I'm still with child."
"A pillow won't hurt it." Cj said and she smiled a bit.
"So you're really moving out in less then a week huh?" Harry said and I looked at him.
"Yea, but you two will manage. Besides of either of you screw up, I'm just one call away." I said.
"Good to know." Cj said as she looked at Harry.
"Hey-!" he said offended.
I grinned.
"I'm gonna miss the fun of the three of us though." I said with a small smile.
"Hey, we can always have fun together... Even though we never actually had when we were younger..." Harry muttered.
"Bitch please, we had fun all the time. When someone else got tortured or got pranked." Cj said and Harry rolled his eyes.
"What ever." he muttered.
"So Cj, do you have some gossip left of when I wasn't around back in the rotten days?" I asked and Harry nearly choked on his drink.
"Please do tell her about the goblin incident." he said and Cj rolled her eyes.
"Hey you two have been enjoying my torture. Besides Harriette deserves to know something fun what happend to you."
"Fiiinneeee." Cj said.

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