15. The hat

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Cj pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 12:
So after a few moments we had the four boxes on the attic.
"I should really just get rid of them..."
"Use Harry next time then." Harriette said.
I chuckled.
"Okay fine. Should we go downstairs again?" I asked and Harriette nodded.
Then I accidentally knocked over a can of paint all over this old hat of Harry.
"Ohw shit..." I muttered.
"Oh he is so gonna kill you for that."
"It's just an old hat..."
"Yea well I'll tell you why. Come on, let go downstairs first. Let's hope that Harry won't come back soon though..."
"Because he'll kill you."

So we went downstairs and ofcourse Harry just walked in.
"Oh shit..." I muttered.
Harry looked at me.
"Nothing." Harriette said as she motioned me to shut up.
"Okay...?" Harry said as he walked towards the attic.
"Where are you going?!" I said as I quickly stepped in front of the stairs.
"The attic...?"
"Because I want to get something out of the attic. What's going on here?"
"Nothing." I said quickly and Harry looked at me as he crossed his arms.
"Oh really?"
"Harry, c'mon. What's so important which is on the attic?"
"None of your business." Harry said.
"Fine, I screwed up badly okay!" I said.
"With what...?" Harry asked and Harriette looked at Harry.
"She accidentally ruined that old hat of yours which I gave you when that little incident happend."
"What? Why?"
"Again, accidentally."
I looked at Harry.
"I'm sorry..."
He went up to the attic and sighed.
"Blue paint, really?"
"It's just a hat, can't you get a new one?" I suggested and Harry shared a look with Harriette.
"It's a long story..." Harry muttered.
"Harriette, you said you were gonna tell me." I said.
Harry looked at her.
"You were gonna do what now?"
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad."
"I had to shave my damn head back then!"
"Really?! What happend?" I asked and Harry sighed.
"I already promised to tell her." Harriette said.
Harry face palmed himself and sighed.
"This is gonna be worse then the other stuff you've told her so far..."

Harriette pov, 09-12-2007, age 10:
So a few weeks before dad met Cj's mom, something happend.
Harry has turned 5 little while ago but he wasn't quite the most popular guy on dragon hall.
Let's say he was kinda a loser.
But today was the best- worst day ever, for him.

I promised him to keep an eye on him since he was such a loser and we went to the same school. But during the break he was sitting against one of the walls, big mistake.
I already saw it happen, Jay had a bucket of goblin snot and stood on the roof.
"Oh boy..." I muttered.
I should've warned Harry but then it would've been more humiliating.
Harry just stood up as Jay threw it all over him.
"What the-?" Harry muttered.
"Haha, nice going Hook! Goblin snot!" Jay yelled and everyone started laughing.
Harry's eyes widen as he understood what he meant.
"No..." he muttered and he ran off.
All the others were laughing and I followed him when they didn't focus on me.

He looked up as he noticed me.
"Please tell me this is some sort of nightmare..."
"If it was, I wouldn't be able to tell you... Sorry lil' brother... But this is real." I said and Harry burried his face in his hands.
"I don't want to shave my head..."
"Otherwise you won't get rid of the goblin snot."
"Isn't there something else...?"
"I'm sorry lil' brother. C'mon."
I held my hand out and he took it as I helped him up.
"Let's get this over with okay?" I asked and Harry sighed.
"Do I have to...?"
"Come on, it'll grow back before you know it.

But yea, he cried as Tremaine shaved off his hair.
And he ran off after she was done.
I followed him and I saw he sat down by his little shelter he made/found by a little cave thing.
I sighed and I looked st this other guy who had this kinda nice looking pirate hat.
I pulled out my dagger.
"Give me that thing." I yelled and I walked towards Harry after I took that hat.

I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey lil' brother..."
"Leave me alone..." and he looked away.
I didn't keave and just put the hat, which was way too big, on his head.
"For you." I said.
The hat fell over his eyes and he shove it up.
"But it's way too big..."
"You'll grow into it." I said and Harry hugged me.
"Thanks Harriette..."
I lofted his chin and looked at him.
"You'll be fine Harry. It'll grow back before you know it."
"But I'm still the loser..."
"We can work on that. I'll teach you how to fight and then you'll show 'em who's the boss. Got it?"
The hat fell over his eyes again and I grinned.
"Come on, first we have to take revenge on Jay."
"Can we throw goblin snot over him?"
"That's not original now. I got a better idea. Paint bomb with permanent paint. Well it will last a year but still pretty fun."
"Hell yea! Now we're talking."
Harry grinned and I hugged him.
"Come on. We got work to do."

Cj pov, 29-02-2020 (present), age 12:
"For the record, I didn't cry." Harry said.
"Yea you did." Harriette said.
"Stop it. It doesn't matter that was like twelve years ago. Almost thirteen." I said.
"Fine, but I didn't cry." Harry said and Harriette rolled her eyes.
I looked at the half blue hat.
"I'm sorry I ruined it... I get it why it meant a lot to you."
"Ever since I wore that thing to school, it made me feel like I could handle anything."
"Aww, baby." Harriette said.
"You were the one who gave it to me." Harry said and I sighed.
"Are you mad at me for ruining it?" I asked and Harry looked at me.
"I... it's fine... Don't worry about it..." he muttered but he sighed so I knew he still hated it.
Maybe I could try to ask Uma to fix it for his birthday...?

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