9. The truth is out

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Cj pov, 28-02-2020 (present), age 12:
So the next day Harriette was supposed to have this date with Gaston jr.
But she asked Harry and me to come to the livingroom because she had to tell us something...?
"So what's up sis?" I asked.
"Oh no... I know that look..." Harry muttered.
"What?" I asked.
"Guys relax. It ain't that bad news."
"Oh-oh." Harry and I said on the same time and Harriette rolled her eyes.
"I told you I had this date with Gaston jr, right?" Harriette said.
"Yea... So?" Harry asked.
"That was a lie... Because the two of us are gonna live together." Harriette said.
"You're moving out?" I said suprised.
"Well yes..."
"That ain't all, is it?" Harry said and Harriette shoke her head.
"Oh goblins..." I muttered.
"Let's say you two will become an uncle and an aunt..." she said with a sly smile and the jaws of Harry and me dropped.
"You're pregnant?" Harry asked.
"I'm pretty sure that's what she just said." I said.
Then I realised what Harriette just said.
I was gonna be an aunt.
"This is sooo cool!" I said out of nowhere and Harriette grinned.
"Yea... Also half of the reason why I'm moving out." she said with an embarrassed look.
"I was hoping you guys would help me pack too this week?"
"Sure." Cj said.
"Why not." I said.
Harriette grinned.
"I still hear dad saying he didn't want anymore kids." Harriette said shortly after that and Harry and I looked at her.
"Come again?" Harry said.
"What was that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Did I say that out loud...?" Harriette muttered with regret.
"Yea you did." I said.
"So Cj wasn't planned?" Harry asked.
"Oh neither were you." Harriette said.
"Well that sucks." I said.
"Oh come on. It wasn't like that."

Harriette pov, 06-04-2001, age 4:
So I was tearing some dolls apart like I used to do everyday.
I made horror dolls of it which kinda scared my new mom sometimes.
I remember how dad reacted when he heared that he was getting a second child.
"No, that wasn't the plan."
"Killian, calm down..."
"No, we agreed that one child was enough!"
"But Killian, wouldn't it be-"
I saw how dad left and I looked at my new mom.
"Am I gonna be a big sister?"
"You're gonna get a little brother Harriette."
I was pretty excited back then, not like I was still excited when I got to know my little brother, obviously-

Harriette pov, 28-02-2020 (present), age 23:
"What do you mean your new mom?" Harry asked and I glared at him.
"Do you want me to continue or not?"
"But what do you mean...?" Cj asked.
"Just shut up and listen." I said.
"Harriette, what did you mean?" Harry asked again and I sighed.
"Let's say it's the reason why I didn't want to talk about our mom... or our moms I should say..."
"Moms...?" Cj asked confused and Harry rushed a hand through his hair.
"You mean...?"
"We all have another mom." I said and Cj swallowed.
"We're not full siblings?"
Harry walked towards the door and I looked at him.
"Harry wait."
"You knew. All this time. But kept it a secret." he said with defeat in his voice.
"Because I was the only one who knew. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be the only one who knows the truth."
"Who were they?" Cj asked and the two of us looked at her.
"Yea sis. Who were they?" Harry asked.
"My mom was a villain called Milah. She was pretty evil... But when I was three years old, dad killed her in cold blood. Because she disobeyed him..." I said.
"What about our moms...?" Cj asked and I looked at her.
"Your mom wasn't exactly a villian... But a hero, a super hero to be precisely. Honey Lemon, from big hero six."
"Cool!" Cj said and I sighed.
"Yea... But dad killed her as well. A few weeks after you were born..."
"What about my mom?" Harry asked and I looked at him.
"Harriette...?" Harry asked and I sighed.
"Your mom died when she gave birth to you, then there was this other wife dad had-"
"I don't care about that. Who was my mom?"
"Harry I-"
"Of course. You don't remember do you?"
I nodded ans Harry left.
I looked at Cj for a moment and followed Harry.

"Harry, wait!" I said.
I grunted and Harry looked over his shoulder.
I really should've not run when I was pregnant...
"Are you alright?" Harry asked and he walked back to me.
"I'm fine..."
He rolled his eyes and looked at me.
"Always pretending that everything is fine. Why is that so you?"
"It's not like you're any different." I said and I looked at Harry.
"Look, I never quite accepted the fact that dad got another wife after he killed my mom. That's why I never paid much attention to her and why I don't remember much about her. All I know was that she died while she gave birth to you... I'm sorry Harry... I mean it."
He shoke his head.
"You just had to remember your own and Cj's..."
"Because I felt wrong that I forgot about yours, I didn't want to do the same to Cj."
Harry looked at me and sighed.
"Not knowing already sucked... But knowing that you'll never know is even worse..."
"Harry I'm so sorry..."
"You've never been sorry for anything in your entire life before. Why should I believe that you're sorry now?"
"Shouldn't you be off to Gaston jr. by now? Since you're moving in with him next week and you were gonna talk about stuff?"
"Don't worry. Like Cj and I promised, we'll help you pack later this week..."
"Harry you know that's not what I meant..."
"I need to clear my head for a minute..."
"Harry please wait."
"No Harriette. I won't. I'll see you later today again... Or not..."
"You're going to Uma, aren't you?"
But Harry didn't say anything and left...
I sighed and walked back to the Hook house.
Cj looked at me and neither of us said a thing for a moment.
After a while Cj looked at me.
"Harry isn't coming back today, is he?"
"I think he's staying at Uma's... He's pretty pissed at me, not that I can blame him..."

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