Chapter 3: Rise of Zeronia

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Tak tapped a button on her bracelet, then suddenly we were uptown around the area where we had dropped off Brian at the Library. Tak could teleport, I realized. So that was how she got around so fast.

Then I saw it. A monster that resembled an eight-foot cockroach that stood on two thick lumpy legs with four arms and pinchers instead of hands. Its antennas wiggled on its head like thin tentacles and two long pincher-like teeth clicked together.

It seemed to be making clicking sounds at the people hiding in the Library.

"What the heck is that thing," I said as I stared in horror at the monster.

"It's a Crillinarian," Tak replied, annoyed. "We're in luck. This one is a Class 2." She shook her head. "Boy, the Crillinarians must not think much of Earth if they sent a Class 2." She perked up. "You want to know what he's saying? I just have to turn up the universal translator." She pressed a few buttons on her bracelet.

The clicking from the Crillinarian turned into words.

"People of Earth, we come in peace," the Crillinarian said, "but you are all going to die. We mean you no harm. Are we want to do is drain your planet of all its lifeforce. Please don't take it personally."

I saw Brian peered from the door of the Library taking pictures with his cellphone.

"Brian, getaway" I called to him, but he did not seem to hear me. The Crillinarian however did. 

Tak and Judy began backing away as the creature came toward me.

The creature stopped short a few yards away. He lowered his hideous cockroach-like head as though to size me up with his red bulging eyes. I gazed up at the monster who towered over me like an ugly baren tree.

"You're a Zeron Warrior," the Crillinarian said.

I nodded automatically.

"I was told that the Zeron Warriors were no more," he continued. "Before we do battle I am honor-bound to give you my name." He stretched out all four arms and declared, "I am Tupex Conquerer of many planets." He glared down at me. "And you are?"

"You want my name?" I asked.

"Yes, girl, tell me your name!"

I have not thought about what to call myself. I would have loved to say I was ImpossibleMan, but that name would not work with the body I was in. I was usually good at coming up with superhero names. Just not on the spot. I gazed down at the Zeron crystal at the end of my wand. Zeron crystals are mined on the planet Zeron. I was a Zeron Warrior.

I glared up at Tupex and as I pointed to my chest with my thumb I declared, "I am Zeronia!"

"Zeronia you said?" Tupex said. "Well, Zeronia, meet extinction!" He lunged at me with one of his pinchers and knocked me more than ten feet through the air and sent me sprawling onto the pavement.

"Toby, use your sword," I heard Tak calling me.

"I don't have a sword!"

"Yes, you do! The wand can transform into a sword! Just like it transformed your clothes into armor and you into a girl."

Just then I saw Tupex coming down upon me. I instinctively rolled out of the way before Tupex slammed into the ground, cracking the pavement.

I scrambled to my feet just as Tupex turned his large body. Then my body took control. I leaped into the air, jumping higher than I have ever jumped in my life. It was as though my body was in control and I was just there for the ride. I kicked Tupex in the chin. The Crillinarian staggered backward, then caught himself.

"Good work, Toby, "Tak shouted. "Let your Zeron Warrior instinct take over!"

The Crillinarian hunched his back and looked as though he was about to pounce.

"He's readying himself for another attack," Tak yelled.

Tupex charged at me. I leaped over him and flew through the air as I could hear Tak praising me. I felt as though I was Flying. I landed on my feet in front of the Library just in time to see the Crillinarian crash into the wall of a building. He pulled himself out of the pile of bricks that tumbled on him and turned around.  His head and back were white from the dust of the crumbling foundation. He began snapping his pinchers in fury.

I held my wand out in front of me. It quickly became a sword.

(Page from the comic)

Tupex charged once again

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Tupex charged once again. When he drew near I swung my sword, slicing the Crillinarian right down the middle. The creature split in half, both halves fell opposite from each other.

I drew back my sword and it turned back into my wand. I gazed down at the two halves of the Crillinarian. I did not see blood or guts. What I saw were wires and gears.  The Crillinarian was a machine.

"That was awesome!"

I turned around to see Brian coming out of the Library and walking toward me.

"Thanks," I replied.

As Brian got near he suddenly stopped in his tracks. His jaw hung open as he looked as though he was going to have a stroke.

I have never seen Brian act like that before. "Are you alright?"

"You're pretty," Brian breathed.

"I'm what?"

Brian chuckled nervously as he ran his hand through his hair and said, "What I meant to say is, You're pretty good with a sword."


Brian continued to nervously run his hand through his hair. "I'm brian. What's your name?'

I did not want to tell Brian that I was his best friend Toby because the way he was acting could kill him, so I decided to play dumb. "I'm Zeronia."

"That's a strange name."

I stared at him.

"Not that you're strange," Brian quickly corrected. "I mean, you're awesome and so is your name."

I heard the sirens of police cars in the distance.

"I got to go," I told Brian.

I turned to run off when Brian yelled, "wait!"

I turned back to him.

"Can I take a selfie with you?" he asked nervously

I did not think that was a good idea, but I did not want to seem like a snob either. "Okay, one selfie, but let make it quick!"

After my selfie with Brian, I raced off to where Judy was waiting for me.

"You were great, Toby," Judy cheered.

"The police are on their way," I informed her. "And I'm willing to bet the news vans aren't far behind."

"You've better change back before they get here," Judy told me.

I nodded and called, "Tak, how do I turn back to normal?'

Tak did not answer.

"Tak? Tak?"

Judy and I scanned the area.

Tak was nowhere in sight.

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