Chapter 11: Training and Dress-up

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Toby/Zeronia P.O.V

We raced over to where Debra was lying face down on the floor. I hoped she did not see me transformed.

"Why did it have to be her?" I cried aloud.

"You know her?" Judy asked.

I nodded. "Her name is Debra Wilton. She works for the school paper at my school and is all around snoop!"

Debra climbed to her feet. She gazed over at me. "Toby?" she asked.

"I'm not Toby--I mean, who's toby?"

Debra rolled her eyes. "Toby, I know that's you. I saw you transformed."

What's the point? I was tired of fighting it. I told Debra everything from where Tak gave me the wand to the part where I have to have dinner with the leader of the Crillinarians. Debra listened with great interest.

"So, let me get this straight," Debra said. "She's an alien." She gestured to Tak. "She gave you this crystal that transformed you into a girl."

"No," Tak said, shaking her head. "All the Zeron Crystal do is increase Toby's strength and speed. The wand however is a hi-tech device with a DNA restructuring program built into it."

"Wow," Debra said. "Your planet's intelligence must be millions of years ahead of Earth."

Tak stared at her. "We're not that dumb."

I wondered if she was joking. She looked so serious it was hard to tell.

Debra walked around me, studying me as though I was a lab rat. "How much of him have you changed?" she asked Tak.

Tak cocked her head to one side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, did you just change his outward appearance or did you change him into a girl all the way through? If he stays this way long enough can he have his period?"

"Debra, stop," I pleaded.

Debra's eyes became round. "Can he get pregnant?"

'I suppose it's going to be in the school paper tomorrow," I said, mostly to change the subject.

Debra was silent for a moment as though she was thinking it over. Then she smiled and said, "I can't believe I'm saying this.  I ran into the biggest story of the year--no, the century, and I don't want to publish it. I must be slipping!"

"You mean, you're not going to tell everyone I'm Zeronia?"

"On one condition."

I knew there had to be a catch.

"I want to become a part of this."

"That's blackmail," I pointed out.

"I can help," Debra declared.

"Like how?" I challenged.

"Like get you ready for your date with this alien bad guy lady."

"It's not a date," I snapped. "It's a diplomatic dinner that I'm being forced to go on!"

Debra rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I can get you the perfect outfit to wear on your..." she made air quotes as she said, "...DIPLOMATIC DINNER."

I sighed. "Do I need to dress up?" I said. "Couldn't I just wear what I'm wearing now?"

"No, you can't, Toby?" Tak replied. "Your armor isn't what I would call the perfect dinner attire."

"Fine," I said in defeat. "But nothing pink."

"Got it, no pink," Debra said.

After Debra left Tak got a sword and told me to attack her with my sword.

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