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Soon I (or should I say Zeronia?) became a national hero. There was even a celebration in  Zeronia's honor where the Mayor himself presented me with a medal. That was where I also gave my farewell speech now that Zeronia was no longer needed. It ended with a lot of tears.

I gave Debra the interview she had been wanting. The school paper had never been hotter.

After the interview I changed back to my true form, then went home and hid my wand in the back of my underwear drawer along with my medal, knowing that perhaps Zeronia would be back if ever needed.

A month went by since I stop being Zeronia and people were still talking about her. Some girls let their hair grow long and they died their hair red to look like Zeronia.

"They were those who wondered what had ever happened to Zeronia. There were a lot of theories going around. My favorite was that Zeronia was an alien who left Earth to fight bad guys in space.

Brian however was still as fascinated with Zeronia as ever, which annoyed the Hell out of me! "She is the most awesome girl I have ever met," he would say.

Created Comics published my Zeronia comic. It did so well that they wanted me to make a sequel.

Then one night I was awakened from my sleep by someone calling my name.

I got up to find Tak and Laloc in my room. Tak was holding a silver box.

"What are you guys doing in my room?" I wanted to know.

"Toby, Earth is in danger again," Laloc told me.

"In danger?" I gasped. "Not from the Crillinarians?"

"No, not them," Tak said. "From an even greater threat. You as Zeronia aren't going to be enough to stop them."

"What do you mean?"

Tak opened the silver box. When I gazed inside I saw four other wands each topped with a different color Zeron Crystal.

"You going to have to find the four who can use the power of these Zeron Crystals," Tak Explained. "It's time the Zeron Warriors made their return!"

The End

Thank you for reading.

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Next story: Zeronia and the return of the Zeron Warrior

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