Chapter 4: Crillinarian Ship

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Laloc P.O.V

I just received the news of Tupex's great defeat on Earth. I did not know why I thought Tupex could handle things on Earth. He was the stupidest of all the Crillinarians. He was always saying that he was Tupex the Conquerer of many planets. He couldn't conquer a sandbox.

As soon as I found out about his loss my first action was to give the order for all the Crillinarians to meet me in the Council Room for a briefing.

As I entered the circular room all eyes were on me. Crillinarians of all shapes and sizes sat at their appointed seats and sitting in the biggest and most decorated seat was the leader of the Crillinarian army himself, General Buu who was covered in matted green fur from head to toe and a long snout with white sharp teeth.

"Commander Laloc," General Buu greeted me.

"General," I replied. "I'm guessing you know why I called this briefing."

The General lower his hairy head. "Yes, ma'am."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I would send a stronger Crillinarian down to the Earth," General Buu suggested.

"Let hold off with sending anymore Crillinarians to Earth," I said. "Don't do a thing until I give the order."

"Yes, ma'am."

Just then a crab-like Crillinarian stood up and snapped his large claws in fury. "Why are we taking orders from her?" he bellowed. He pointed at me with one of his claws. "She's not even a Crillinarian! She's just a former Zeron Warrior who betrayed her people to join us!"

I glared at him. "If you have a problem with my leadership you're more than welcome to try to remove me."

The crab and I stared each other down. Then the crab retreated to his seat.

Smart move. If he would have tried it would have been his death sentence.

I turned back to the General. "I take it you've recorded the battle between Tupex and this Earth girl."

"Of course, Commander," General Buu assured me quickly.

"Good. I'm going to retire to my quarters. Send the recording there so I can study it." I walked to the door, then paused and gazed back at the General. "Remember, don't do a thing until I give the order." I gave the crab one last glare who shrank in his seat, then left.

As I walked down the brightly lit corridor I could not help but be curious about this new Zeron that had appeared on Earth. A girl who called herself Zeronia.

Zeronia, I thought with a sniff. There was a made-up name if I've ever heard one. She named herself after Zeron. That is like if I dressed as an earthling and call myself Earthia.

But what I would like to know is, where did this new Zeron Warrior come from? I mean, the Zeron is supposed to be extinct. I am like the last of the Zeron Warriors. Some might say that I have betrayed the Zeron and joined forces with our mortal enemies the Crillinarians. But what most do not realize is why I did what I did is because I wanted to undo a great wrong. Then there was Tak who a long time ago was a good friend and now we were the bitterest of enemies. But last I heard she could no longer use her Zeron Crystal.

I wondered if Tak had somehow made it to Earth with a Zeron Crystal and found a poor fool to become a Zeron Warrior. That was the only explanation I could come up with.

I went into my quarters and check the monitor to see if the recording was sent. It was.

I sat in my comfy chair and ordered the computer to play the video.

Tupex appeared on the monitor after he was teleported to Earth. He did his official greeting The Earthlings coward in fear. Then something caught Tupex's attention. He began heading over to where three females were standing. One of them I quickly recognized was Tak. So she did make it to Earth! The girl in the middle with the long red hair and dressed in Zeron armor must be the fool she gave the Zeron Crystal to. I have no idea who the other girl was, but she should not be any trouble. Tak and the other girl backed away, letting the little redhead face off with Tupex. So, this is the Zeronia I've been told, I thought as I watched the battle take place. Zeronia's fighting style was instinct and she had no training. The battle ended with Zeronia slicing Tupex in half.

I could send a strong Crillinarian to destroy her, but as I stared at the red hair cutey on the monitor I realize that I did not want her dead. I was tired of being the only Zeron in the Crillinarian empire and there was something about Zeronia that fascinated me. She was so lovely and had a child-like innocence about her.

I shall make her a part of the Crillinarian Empire whether she wanted it or not.

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