Chapter 16: Zeronia Or Not

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Toby P.OV

I was sitting at my computer typing up the storyline for my Zeronia comic.  Of course, I had to leave a few details out. Like I left out the part that I was Zeronia and that she was a boy.

Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

Judy poked her head in. "Toby, there's someone here to see you."

It must have been Brian. He was probably here to see how my comic was going. "Send him in."

Judy stepped aside, but instead of Brian to my surprise in walked Tak.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. "I thought I told you I never going to be..." I trailed off when I saw who came in after her.

"Laloc?" I cried. "What are you doing here? What's going on?"

"Toby, we need you to become Zeronia again," Tak said.

"What for?" I looked over at Laloc. "You said the Crillinarians wasn't going to bother Earth if I give you my Zeron Crystal!"

"I had every intention of honoring our agreement," Laloc told me. "However, the Crillinarians did not feel the same."

"What does that mean?"

Tak rolled her eyes. "It means the Crillinarian turned against their loving leader and they are going to attack the Earth anyway?"

"And this time they are going to send down Tragon," Laloc said.

"Who is Tragon?" I wanted to know.

Tak and Laloc exchanged glances as though it was a shock to them that I didn't know who that was.

"Tragon is a class 10 Crillinarian," Laloc explained. "The most powerful of them all. Known to destroy entire worlds including Zeron. "

"And you expect me to transform into Zeronia so I could stop this intergalactic maniac," I guessed.

"Exactly," Laloc nodded, pulling my wand from her belt and holding it out to me.

"No," I replied, pushing the wand away. "I'm done with Zeronia. Besides, why do you even care? Isn't destroying worlds kinda your thing?"

"Not this way," Laloc said sadly.

I noticed that Laloc had her own wand tucked in her belt.

I see you have your own Zeron Crystal," I told her. "Couldn't you just transform and defeat this guy yourself?"

Laloc frowned. "I've seen Tragon in action," she said. "I don't think I can beat him. At least not by myself."

"And you think that I can?" I exploded. "I fought a class 4 Crillinarian and that one almost killed me! There is no way I'm fighting a class 10. Are you crazy?"

"Listen to me," Tak pleaded, her face filling with desperation.

"No," I snapped. "I'm done listening. And I'm done with the both of you! I'm not stupid. I know that neither one of you can be trusted and that you see me as a lamb that you can lead to slaughter. Well, thanks, but no thanks. Find yourselves some other stooge to do your dirty work!"

Tak and Laloc stared at me in shock. Then they turned on their heels and headed for the door.

"I knew earthlings were all cowards," Tak yelled before she and Laloc stormed out."

After they were gone I turned to my computer to continue my work. Then I noticed Judy standing there staring at me. I could feel her gaze on my back.

Fed up, I spun in my see to face her. "What is it?"

Judy's gaze continued to burn a hole in me. "Toby, I want to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer."


"Is the reason you don't want to become Zeronia anymore is that you don't want to become a girl? Because if that's the case then I'm disappointed in you."

"No, that's not the reason," I told her. "At this point, I wouldn't care if my Zeron Crystal turns me into Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm not going to be anyone's pawn!"

"Who using you as a pawn?"

"Take your pick! Tak or Laloc?"

"I feel sorry for them."

"Sorry for them?" I nearly fall off my chair. "How could you feel sorry for them?"

Judy rolled her eyes. "Gee, I don't know, maybe because they lost their planet and everyone they love. Maybe you should try putting yourself in their shoes."

"Are you saying that I'm wrong for not helping them?"

"Not at all," Judy replied quickly. "I just want you to understand that despite the reasons they are here they are trying to defend Earth."

Judy walked to the door. "I'm sure you would do the right thing," she said over her shoulder and left.

I went back to work on my story, but couldn't get much done. Judy had given me something to think about. Maybe I was being selfish. Not that I mind turning into a girl. I have gotten used to it. The only pitfall is wearing a dress with uncomfortable shoes. What if I was the only hope Earth had? Then again, I could get killed. If I died as a girl would I go to Heaven as a girl?

I closed my laptop and decided to get some sleep to clear my head. Maybe everything would seem brighter in the morning.

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