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    Brittany's Pov

        My eyes never left santana's brown orbs and i couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, although she had a few bruises she had never looked more perfect. Like my body over powered my mind i felt my self start to lean in and saw that she was leaning in too. We got closer and closer, my heart beating at the speed of light. Our lips were about to connect when we were interupted.

   "Santana you shouldn't be out of bed." Mr.Lopez said and we quickly parted.

    "I know sorry, i was just comforting my wife." I looked up in awe at the way she said wife, i love the way it sounds coming from he-

   "Right, brittany?" She nudged me and i nodded not trusting my voice as i helped her get settled back into bed.

   "Well Mrs. lopez-Pierce, we will come back tomorrow to check your vitals and then you can leave."

   "Thanks dad."

     "You're welcome mija, um brittany can i speak with you for a minute?" I nodded and followed him out. For a moment we stood there in silence until he spoke.

   "Brittany, i've heard somethings... Is it true that you and san got into a fight and she was drunk driving?" He says getting straight to the point. I nodded and looked down.

  "Yes sir, im so sorry i didn't know she was gonna drive off like that. I called her when she was out of sight, i should have went after her instead of arguing with her on the phone, she would have never gotten in a crash if it wasn't for me." I say on the verge of tears feeling a pang of guilt hit me like a ton of bricks.

  "Listen brittany, this isn't your fault, santana can get reckless when she's upset, she sometimes turns to alcohol and just becomes a whole new santana. Just please if this happens again, dont let her get near any alcohol and take her car keys, please i can't lose my princess." I looked through the window and saw brown orbs already looking at me, i smiled a little and spoke.

  "I'll make sure that i take good care of her sir, and i can assure you that this is not going to happen again."

"Thankyou so much brittany, i'm glad santana has someone like you. I know she really loves you and i can tell you feel the same." I looked once again and thought if you only knew the truth mr.lopez.

  "Well i have to go brittany, i have so much work to do,Take care of her while im gone."

   "Sure thing Mr.L" and with that he walked away as i headed back inside.

    Santana's Pov

        When my dad askes if he could talk to brittany i froze and hundreds of possible scenerios invaded my mind.  What if she tells him that we are in a deal, what would he think of me, what are they gonna talk about.-
    I looked towards the window and saw brittany look back at me, and i swear i saw a small smile on her face, maybe its just the pain killers.

   "Santana?" I was brought out of my thoughts by a hand waving in my face, i turned and saw brittany staring at me and i think i saw a little concern in her eyes, we stood like this for a few moments just gazing, her ocean blues staring into my chocolate brown eyes until she broke it instantly looking everywhere but at me.

   "Um, your dad had other patients to attend to."she cleared her throat. I just nodded in response.

    We spent an hour just relaxing and watching what ever we could find on the hospital tv until the nurse came in and gave me a sleeping pill for the night. As the pill kicked in i was slowly drifting off to sleep, and without thinking i asked brittany a question.

  "B-brittany?" She hummed in response.

   "Could you um l-lay with me?" It was quiet for a few minutes then i felt a dip in the bed so i scooted over to give her room. As i felt her warmth close to me i leaned in closer and she wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me closer as i snuggled my head into her neck. I was slowly drifting off to sleep but then brittany spoke, saying things i never thought she would.

    Brittany's Pov
        When santana asked me to lay with her i was hesitant at first but when i noticed how vulnerable she looked i just couldnt resist so i slowly but carefully slipped into the hosptial bed with her and she immediately snuggled into me. As an instinct i wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer but just close so that we end up spooning. Thinking santana was alseep i started t speak.

  " What are you doing to me santana? I'm felling things that i've never felt before. At first this was all just a scam to get my parents to believe that i have finally settled down and am ready to start a family but now it's different, it isn't at all about some deal, for the past month i've been denying something that i believe shouldn't be happening but it is, i'm just not ready to tell you but maybe if i say it while you're sleeping i could gather up the courage to tell you when i see your beautiful brown orbs staring back at me. I know i'm always bitchy to everyone but its because i've had a rough past but somehow you were able to see past that side of me and you've changed me alot. you managed to stay by my side and make it to my heart. i realized that you are slowly breaking down my walls and i thank you for caring.  What i'm really trying to say is...."


  santana"s Pov

    I tried so hard not to drift off to sleep but the pain killers are starting to kick in but as i blinked my eye lids became heavier every second, i managed to fight it off for a few minutes but i just couldn't, i finally shut my eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber not able to hear what brittany was about to tell me.

omg i hit 5.3k reads, thanks guys youn are the best. :) 

   btw sorry that i kept you guys waiting for so long, had a bit of writer's block but im back now.

   what was britt gonna tell santana?? 

 do you think brittany is gonna call off the deal because she feels that she is taking advantage of santana ?? (hint hint)

   what will santana do to find out what brittany really wanted to say?

 comment, vote tell me what you thought about this chapter and what you think is gonna happen in the next chapter

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