Ex Marks the Spot part 2

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       Santana's Pov

            I was talking to alex and the next thing i know our lips are connected. I was too shocked to react but then i felt that spark that we used to have, i soon relaxed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped her arms around my waist pulling our bodies impossibly close. I felt all the good memories Come flooding back in that one kiss, before she was able to deepen the kiss i heard a name i know all too well and soon after i pulled away quickly whipping my head towards the direction of her voice and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

   "Santana?" She said just above whisper and i think i saw a bit of hurt in her eyes.

   "Holy crap." I replied. She looked away grabbing her order, as i stood there silent.

  "Who the hell is that?" Alex said a little too loud. Brittany turned around and i now saw anger in her eyes, she marched over to us and spoke.

  "IM HER WIFE AS YOU CAN SEE." She nearly yelled as she held our hands up exposing the ring. Alex looked at my hand and smirked.

   "Really? Then where's the ring?" She smirked as i gave her a death glare, and at the corner of my eye i can see brittany burning holes in my head. If looks could kill both me and alex would be dead.

    "Where's your ring, why aren't you wearing it?" Brittany asked. I stood silent not knowing what to say and still processing whats happening right now. After a few minutes of silence alex decided to break it.

"Well obviously your just a crazy delusional person that thinks you're married to san here so if you don't mind we were  kinda in the middle of something." I was about to react but the next thing i know alex is on the floor and brittany is beating the living shit out of her, i quickly pull her off and get down next to alex.

   "Brittany what the hell is wrong with you?" I snapped and called over one of  alex's co-workers to help her.  I looked up to see brittany walking out the door and i run after her.


    Brittany's Pov

         I can't believe santana blames me, it was that alex girl's fault. I walked out the door and about to go to my car only to be stopped by an arm grabbing me, i whipped my head around to find an angry santana in front of me.

  "What is wrong with you?" I snapped.

  "Me, what the hell is wrong with you? Why did you hit her?"


   "She started it, you know this would have never happened if she would have kept her big mouth shut." She scoffed.

  "Why didn't you have your ring on, We're married remember or have you forgotten."

   "Um last time i checked this is just a deal. Why do you even care who i kiss, we aren't married or friends." I dont know why this affected me but i think i felt my heart shatter a little.

  "I don't care, im just worried about someone i know seeing you with another woman." I say lowly.

   "What ever, ill be back at the house late, im going out..." She paused.

    "Unless you have a problem with that too." She says sarcastically and i just glare.

    "Do what you want, its not like we're really married anyway." I mocked in a bitchy tone and she just walked away. I got in my car and drove away thinking.

   I tried to be nice but i think its time to bring bitchy britt back....

Woahhhh drama much lol, anyway hope u enjoyed this chap and sorry that its short, comment vote. Btw,omg i just hit 1.85k thankyou so much for reading my fanfic :) xoxo.   -dajanae


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