Drunk'n Mess part 2

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  Hey guys there's a little twist in thr beginning lol hope you like it,(sneek peek:dont kill me but this character may ruine brittana when they start)

    Santana's Pov

           I open my eyes and its a little blury but i see that im in a hospital bed and i see someone sitting by the bed, its a girl but i cant really make out her face because she's covering it but she's a brunette so imediately i think-

     "Alex?" She looked up almost imediately and came closer.

  "Hey san you're awake." She smiled

  "What happened, why am i here, Why are you here?"

"You were in a car accident, apparently you were drunk and driving extremely fast." Then it all came back to me, the fight, getting drunk and brittany being on the phone when i was driving.

   "San what happened, why were you drunk dri-" We were cut off by someone busting in the room.

  "Santana!" A voice i know all too well rang through my ears, my head snapped towards the door to find a teary eyed brittany looking at me,we locked eyes for a moment until alex cleared her throat. Bad move alex i thought to myself, brittany eyes left mine and went over to alex and her sadness was replaced with anger, boy if looks could kill alex would be dead right now, sensing the tention in the room i broke the silence.

  "Um alex could y-you um give us a minute?" She nodded and kissed my cheek then looked over to brittany smirking, i knew what she was doing. After alex left there was a moment of silence until brittany broke it.

  "San-" i cut her off.

  "What do you want?" I snapped, this is basically her fault.

  "What is wrong with you, why would you even think about driving at a dangerous speed and being DRUNK at that, not to mention the WHISKEY bottle you took." She snapped back.

   "WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN CARE, you know what this deal was a fucking bad idea, i can't handle you and your fucking attitude why are you so mean to everyone especially me, what have i done to you?" I ask and see her face soften.


  Brittany's Pov

       I sit and realize that she's right i am really mean to her and she hasn't even done anything to me, I've really been a bitch to her but on my case she did kiss another girl knowing she was with me.

  But she isn't with you, its all strictly business, my mind keeps telling me. I ignored my mind and spoke.


   "It's just the way i am, You shouldn't take it personal... I-i-ts just that..." I started and paused, i looked up, her eyes pleading for an answer but i couldn't tell her, i shook my head.


"Nevermind." I say and sit back.


"I'm just glad you're okay, and im r-really s-sorry santana." And i really meant it, i had no right to take my anger out on her besides she isn't even my wife none the less my girlfriend.


"Its okay britt-" we were interupted by a voice.


Santana's Pov


I looked up to see alex standing in the doorway. My eyes averted to brittany and i saw anger in her beautiful blue orbs and i gulped slightly at the sight of her eyes, the way you could just get lost in them and how they were filled with so much emotion, how they would change to s darker shade of blue when she's sad or angry and how it would turn baby blue when she's happy, gosh i could jus- whats going on with me, i was snapped out of my thoughts by yelling.


"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." The voice belonged to none other than Alex who was steaming red. She continued and i stood silent.


"WHY WOULD YOU ARGUE WITH A DRUNK SANTANA, ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHI-" Brittany's face just sunk and when i noticed it was at the word stupid i snapped.


"THATS ENOUGH ALEX, i think you should leave." She looked at me and stood there silent so i spoke again.


"LEAVE." I say with a bit more force and she walks out slamming the door behind her and i swear i hear her mumble 'this is not over' but i shrugged it off, i sighed and turn to brittany and the sight of her  broke my heart, ignoring the pain it took all my strength to get up, i slowly walked over to brittany and wrapped my arms around her, at first she stiffened but soon hugged back tight but not too tight to hurt me. As of instinct i whispered soothing words into her ear as she sobbed into my chest.


"She's right you know, this is all my fault." She says after she calmed down and i shook my head.


" i shouldn't have been drinking i say." She starts to tear up and for the fist time i see a  vulnerable brittany who really cared in front of me and in that moment i came to a realization, an unexpected one at that.

     Im in love with Brittany Pierce.

   Hey guys sorry its short but, tell me what you think, should i re-write it or naw?? Anyway vote and comment what you think.
      What did you think about alex's outburst and how san had the urge to protect brittany??? Will san confess her feelings?

     Ily guys bwyee xoxo-dajanae




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