Drunk'n Mess part 1

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Santana's Pov



     I still cant believe that brittany just hit alex like that, i mean who does she think she is, its not like we're an actual married couple. Im starting to have doubts about this little agreement we made, i dont think-


"Hey there gorgeous." My thoughts were cut short by a low husky voice. I turned around to see a cute brunette standing in front of me.


"Hi." I say back.


"Wanna dance?" She says with a flirty smirk and of course i accepted not really thinking and besides whats the worst that can happen.


"Sure lets go."



Right now im really wasted and im grinding into this mysterious brunette whom by the way i still dont know her name so i decided to ask.


"Hey, i didn't get your name." She pulled me close and whispered in my ear.


"Alison." Her husky voice sent chills down my spine.



"Whats your name beautiful."


"Santana." I say and soon feel a pair of lips on mine roughly moving. When i came to realization of what was happening i pulled away.


"I uh- i gotta go." I say and run out the door before she was able to respond. I called a cab since i was still really wasted, i got to the house around twelve and i couldnt really walk straight due to the fact that i was drinking from my flask in the car making me even more drunk then before. I opened the door with the key and attempted to get to me and brittany's room hoping that i didnt wake her.


Brittany's Pov


  Its now twelve and i hear the front door open and close indicating that san is back and by the sounds of her giggling and bumping into things i could tell she is really wasted. I waited until she opened the door, she tripped and nearly fell. As an instinct i got up and caught her before she hit the ground.


San's Pov


  As i opened the door i tripped over my foot and was about to fall. I closed my eyes and waited for my head to come in contact with the floor not bothering to try and catch my balance considering that im drunk. After a few seconds i felt arms wrapped around my back and i slowly opened my eyes to see ocean blue ones staring back at me.




"I got you." She says and we look at eachother for what seems like hours until she breaks eyes contact realizing the position we are in and that we arent really on good terms. I decided to confront her about what happened today.


"Brittany why did you hit alex?" She stood quiet for a while before answering.


"Because shes' a bitch." She says lowly and i glare at her.


"That gives you no right to HIT MY GIRLFRIEND." I froze when i just heard what i said. I looked at brittany and i think i saw a glimps of hurt.




"I said my ex-girlfriend and why the fuck do you care its not like we are married and so what if i still have feelings for her." She scoffed and looked really red indicating that she was angry.




"AT LEAST SHE'S FUCKING SMART." i snapped, grabbed my keys and ran downstairs and out the door but not before grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. I got in my car and sped off, drinking the whiskey as i go not thinking about how dangerous my current actions are.  The phone connected to my car rang and was automatically answered.


"Santana what the hell is wrong with you, your fucking wasted and you're driving at this time and not to mention you took a bottle of whiskey. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I didnt answer instead i went faster and faster until i saw a light coming from the side and then the next thing i now is my  car tumbling over and then i smell gasoline, the last thing i heard was my name being yelled.




HEY GUYS, what do you think is gonna happen next???
Comment and vote, tell me what you think about this chap. Bitchy britt may come in later in the fanfic but i definitely have a little brittana coming up in the next to chapters... :) btw sorry its so short

  Xoxo bwyee-dajanae



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