You again part 1

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        Santana's Pov

               Well today is the day i finally get released from the hospital, and thank god because i couldn't take another day of eating nothing but that nasty hospital food. I was waiting for brittany to finish signing the release forms. After what felt like hours brittany came in smiling.

    "Ready to go?"She asked and i nodded eagerly.

   "Yes, let's get the hell out of here before they try to make me eat before i leave." I said earning a giggle from brittany which might i add was music to my ears and i would do anything to hear that again. Brittany helped me up and i sort of zoned out as i focused on her warm arm around me, supporting me as we walked. The next thing i know we are in front of the house and the car is parked.

    "Santana?" I turn my head to look at her and i melt as my brown orbs stared into her ocean blue ones. We stood quiet and just looked at eachother but i still wanted to know what she was going to tell me last night so i decided to ask.

    "Brittany?" She hummed her eyes not leaving mine. I took a deep breath and spoke.

       "I heard what you were saying last night." Her eyes went wide and she stiffened. After a few minutes she broke eye contact and spoke.

  "Did you hear everything?" She asked.

         Brittany's Pov

             Santana just told me she was up last night and heard what i was saying so i asked her if she heard everything.

     "No, i fellthe pain killers kicked in and all i heard you say last was, what im trying to tell you is, and then i fell asleep so i was just wondering what it was that you were going to say because the suspense is killing me." I sighed knowing that it was time to tell her the truth and put everything out there.

     "Come on i'll tell you everythinh inside." I say. As we walk into the house santana gasped and i nearly fainted. Everything was destroyed and all over the place. The couch was torn, the kitchen plates were shattered on the floor along with the glasses. I walked over to the wall where there was red paint and read it.

  It said, "I warned you Bitch." in big letters and a picture of me was stuck to the wall with a knife in the middle aimed at my heart.

      " Who would do such a messed up thing like this?" Santana spoke, before i was able to reply someone else already did.

  "I know right who would trash little brittany's house like this." I instantly knew who's voice that was and i was furious. I quickly turned around and nearly yelled.

  "You little bitch you're gonna pay for this." I say as i start moving towards her.

     "Woah there britt bitch, you might wanna watch your tone and take a step back." I Stopped dead in my tracks when she pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.  what the hell am i gonna do now?

      Hey guys, who do you think the mystery girl is?

  how will this situation end up.

         what is santana thinking right now?

      comment, vote, reccomend my story to others.

  next update in two days.

    BWYE- dajanae xoxo

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