The Deal

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Hey guys this chapter is short but next chapter would be longer. Enjoy :) #dajanae_luvs

Santana's Pov

    I can't believe what just happened. First i meet this really beautiful woman and now i'm engaged to her, how is that even possible.

   "Santana?" My thoughts were cut off by brittany's angelic voice.

  "Uh um..." I was speechless, i didn't know how to respond to what just happened.

  "I know you're kinda freaked out and everything, believe me i am too.  I didn't know what else to do, i panicked." My facial expression changed from shocked to understanding.

"It's okay, it happens to everyone, but we should really clear things up."

  "Um, yeah about that i was wondering if you could like pretend to marry me." I stood there for a few seconds, Trying to process everything before i spoke.

  "What, are you serious, how would we even pull that off and how long would-" she cut me off.

   "It would just be for a little while, like a year, that way they wouldn't suspect any-"


  "Are you crazy, i'm supposed to be fake married to you for a year!" I say pacing back and forth drawing the other customers attention. She pulled me down next to her in the booth, and I continued going on and on about how crazy this situation sounds.

  "I'll pay you a million dollars." She blurted out.

  Brittany's Pov

      I can't believe I just did that, I just offered Santana a million dollars to have a fake marraige with me but what choice do I have. In order to continue my dancing career I have to do this.

  "What?"santana's voice broke my train of thought.

  "I said i'll pay you a million dollars." I repeated myself.

  "Why would you pay me a million dollars to have a fake marraige with you."

  "It's kinda hard to explain everything right now and it's personal, I'll tell you another time but not now." I stated nervously, everything went quiet until I broke the silence.

  "It'll only be for a year, you don't even have to see me at all, I'll just call you when there's a family gathering or if the family wants to see you, which is rare because they are always busy. But anyways what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Nervously waiting for my answer I watched as Santana sat in silence. After what seemed like forever she spoke.

  "I don't know if it's a good idea, Hell I don't even know why im doing this but, you've got your self a deal." I smiled and extended my hand for her to shake, which she did with a matching smile on her face.

  Santana's Pov

     As I'm shaking Brittany's hand I'm thinking to myself, did I really just agree to have a fake marraige for a million dollars?


    Hey guys there was an alternate chapter to this but I decided to put this one up instead, idk if it's good but I enjoyed writing it. Bwyee


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