Meeting the Family Part 2

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      Brittany's Pov

            I stood by the door and saw santana talking to beth, i stood admiring the way she spoke to beth, ever so softly and sweetly. Thinking that they looked so adorable the way both their eyes light up when they have a conversation. My thoughts were cut off by an unexpected question.

   "Sanny do you love britty?" Realizing what the question was i cleared my throught and they looked back at me. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to them.

   "Um hey beth, can i steal santana away for a second?" she nodded smiling.

  "Shure britt-britt but bwing her bwack." she said in the mosy cutest little baby voice. I tried to supress a giggle.

  "Sure thing princess." I say with a smile and grab santana's hand and pull her upstairs

     Santana's Pov

           I gasp lowly at the sudden contact and almost melt at her touch, i don't know why im feeling like this.

      "Um earth to santana."Brittany's voice brought me from my thoughts.

    "Huh Um y-yeah." what is wrong with me, im a lopez i dont stutter.

    "We are going to have to stay in the same room." What, i have to sleep in a bed with her.

  "ok." I simply said knowing im not gonna win this battle if i argue against it.

  "Britt i-" We were interupted by a knock at the door.

  "Britt, san dinner is ready."

   "We're coming down now ma."She yelled back.

  "What were you going to say?" She asked impatiently, i sighed.

  "Nevermind." I mumbled lowly and followed her downstairs.

   *At dinner*
     (santana's pov)

     "... and she peed her pants." Brittany's mom just finished telling me about a time when britt was little. I tried to stiffen a giggle as i listened, i looked over at brittany to see her red as a tomato.

  "Mom  stop." I smile at how adorable she looks when she's embarrassed.

   "Okay, so tell me santana what do you like to do?"

    "Well i was always told that i was a pretty good singer so ive just been singing a little when ever i have time." i said smiling.


     "Oh well you have to show us santana."Ben said.

   "Yeah santana please show us. Brittany go get your dad's guitar from-" I cut her off.

  "Oh no that's okay i have my own." I excused myself and quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar.

  "Okay here it is, so does anyone have a specific song they want to hear?" i asked as i got settled down on a stool in the middle of the living room floor.

  "I do, i do." Beth says and i motion for her to tell me what it is. After she whispered the song in my ear i started playing the cords to All of me by john Legend.

   What would i do without your smart mouth

drawing me in and you kicking me out

got my head spinning no kidding i can't pin you down

whats going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

               Before i sang the chorus, my eyes were locked with a pair of ocean blue ones belonging to no other than Brittany. After a short pause i began to sing my eyes never leaving brittany's.

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

    I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh.

    I sung the last verse my eyes finally breaking contact with brittany's and looking around to find surprised faces staring back at me.

"Was it that bad?" They sat for a moment before clapping and shouting.

"Oh my god sanny i didnt know you had a pretty voice like that." I giggled.

  "There's alot i can do princess." I looked up at brittany who was still sitting. After a few minutes of everyone complimenting me brittany came over to me and spoke.

"I didn't know you could sing."  She says.

  "Well know you know."  i reply lowly.

   "That was amazing santana." I looked down and blushed a little.

"Thanks." She nodded smiling. Then she grabbed my hand and brought me towards the stairs.

"We should get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow." I nodded.

  "Mom, dad we're gonna call it a night." We said our goodbyes and parted to the room. Once we were settled in bed, brittany fell to sleep instantly, snuggling into my side. As a reflex i wrapped my arm around her as i looked up at the blank ceiling and started thinking.

    I know that this is strictly business but i can't help how i feel. I think im falling for brittany and the worse part is that im falling hard. what am i gonna do?

  As i thought my eye lids became heavier and heavier until i slowly drifted off to sleep



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