Meeting The Family part 1

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   Brittany's Pov

       It was silent for the rest of the plane ride. After what seemed like forever we arrived in L.A. I looked over to santana who was snuggled up in a blanket on the chair. She looked so adorable when she slept- no brittany this is just a deal, i don't even like her like that.

"San." I called her but she didn't budge so i tried again.

"Santana." She slowly fluttered her eyes and soon her brown orbs were staring into my blue ones. I broke eye contact suddenly finding the floor the most interesting thing in the world.

  "We're in L.A." Her face lit up.

"We are?" she smiled widely and looked out the window like a little kid who saw snow for the first time. I smiled thinking how ador-wait this is strictly business.

    -----1 hour later----
       Santana's Pov

           We got off the plane and entered a limo, brittany said that it would take about and hour and a half to get there so i decided to get some sleep. _____________________________________

    The limo came to a stop and i fluttered my eyes open to be met with a pair of ocean blue orbs staring back at me, i gave a shy smile. We sat there for a few minutes gazing into eachother's eyes until she broke the stare and looked out the window.

  "We're Here." She points out the window, i follow the way her finger was pointing to and my jaw dropped to the ground.

"Th-this is your parent's House?"She just nodded like it was nothing special.

  "Look santana." I turned to face her.

"Just let me do all the talking okay. All you have to do is smile and nod got it?" She snapped, i nodded.

"Good, lets go than." I followed her out of the car and towars the door, she took a deep breath before ringing the bell. After a few short minutes the door opened and we came face to face with a blond who looked like an older version of brittany so i asumed that was her mom.

  "Britt sweety how are you."She said as she pulled brittany into a tight hug.

"Hey ma, i'm fine, I missed you." she says as she hugs her mom tight. I smile at the thought of brittany being a mama's girl, it's so cute

"This must be your beautiful latina fiance that you mentioned." I blushed and smiled. Brittany came closer to me and put her arm around my waist and i almost melt at her touch, she may have a bitchy attitude but she still attractive.

"Yeah this is Santana, she couldn't stop talking about meeting you, right babe?" Not knowing how to respond to her calling me babe, i stood quiet.

"Right babe?" She squeezes my side as she says this, i spoke.

"Yeah it's so nice to finally meet you Mrs.Pierce."She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Please call me Marisaw." I nodded and walked into the house behind brittany. As i looked around my jaw almost hit the ground, i felt someone come next to me.

"Its a two story house. We have 4 bathrooms upstairs and 2 down here, there are 3 bedrooms and 4 guest rooms with walk in closets." I had no words, this house was absolutely amazing. I felt something tug on my shirt, I looked down and saw a small little girl which looks like a smaller version of brittany, I smiled down at her and she spoke.

"Are you going to marry Britty?" She says in the most cutest voice ever, I bent down and spoke.

"Yeah, my name is santana, you can call me san if you want to." She smiled.

"Can I call you sanny?"

  "Yeah sure."As I was about to stand up she pulled me down.

   "Hey sanny do you um love britt britt?" Before I was able to reply we heard someone clear their throat, we turned our heads and saw brittany standing by the wall.

"Hi britty, sanny was gonna tell me she loves you." I giggled but stopped.when brittany rolled her eyes. I have no idea what I did wrong. This is gonna be a long day.


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