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The pain in my back had died down a small bit.
I was vaguely paying attention to what I was reading.
When I was, I started to think back to a couple of weeks ago.
I thought of me and.....Him. Talking. Buying groceries, at the diner.........when I fell asleep on his lap.....It felt so nice to feel so warm. A warmth I hadn't felt in years.

I shook my head. I can't be thinking of this stuff.
I got to the end of the comic.

I got to the end of the comic

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I threw it across the room. Whoever wrote that deserves to be shot in the face and thrown off a rooftop.

I moved a tiny bit. I winced as my back cramped up.

I was now on my side.
My eyelids started to fall.....again. And again.

Then I found myself.......calm. Very calm.

I woke up. It seems a few hours had passed due to the lack of sunlight outside my window.
My stomach growled
I heard a slight knock come from the door.
"Henry?" I heard dad from the other side. "Can we talk?"
"Uh, sure," I said.
He opened the door. He seemed happy.
"Hey buddy," He said. "I have some good news."
Good news?
"What is it?" I asked, "Did you get a new job?"
He hasn't been to work in two days. And I know the place is still open.
Dad's eyes widened.
"How did you know?" He asked me.
"You haven't gone to work or left the house in two days. It just seems obvious you were fired." I explained to him.
"I quit actually," he corrected me "i quit because I found out a guy who just got the job made more money then me"

I looked at him. I saw genuine sadness in his eyes. But he seemed better.
"But the good news is, I made a few investments, and I got my money back, and then some," Dad said happily, showing me a check.
I read the number on it.
"Holy Nikolaus" escaped my mouth. "I've never seen that many zeros on a check before."
"I know, right?"
"So when are you going to tell everyone else?" I asked. "I mean, you can't hide this. Forever"
He sat at the foot of my bed.

"I'll reveal this when I'm ready." he said, "look on the bright side; if this keeps up, your mother might not have to work as hard."
He smiled so brightly. I like seeing him happy.

But then he looked down. He seemed concerned.

But he just smiled, stood up, and pat me on the head like I was Jackson. I gave him the check.
I painted a smile on my face as he left the room.
I laid back down and let my body relax.

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