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It was a typical day me and Justin we're getting on a train. It was a cloudy day, and it looked like it was about to rain.
We stepped into the train car with 'Hyrbids only.' on a sign above the door.
We took the Arts Express to meet up with my parents; we're staying the weekend there. And who knows, I might tell him he news.
The doors of the train closed, and we departed. We found our seats.
Justin took a book out of his bag and started reading. It was a book discussing our religion. I guess he got it free since the brown leather cover was worn out and falling apart. I caught a glimpse at one of the pages.

The central teachings revolve around nature and spirituality, and these teachings are often passed on through weekly temple visits and monthly town gatherings. Their instructions come from edicts told to have been given by Sayan, the Goddess of creation, to cleanse the world of sin and give life a new purpose. Many of their religious symbols are represented in the form of wood carvings, skin paintings, and hairpins.
Despite being an old-fashioned religion, Eevetism hasn't split into different followings with different interpretations of the religious works; Eevetism is often met with dullness with people not of the faith.

He caught me reading it.
"You know, if you wanted to know this, you should have paid attention at school," he joked.
I laughed a small bit, the joke wasn't that funny, but it would be impolite not to laugh.
Then we heard someone walk in through a door and then we heard a gunshot.
Everyone jumped at the sudden loud noise.

Everything went mute for me; all I could rely on was my sight for the moment.
As the constant ringing in my ears played, I saw Justin grab me and pulled me onto the carpeted floor. I saw a few other people freaking out and.......
I saw a dead woman, an eagle hybrid lying on the ground, blood pooling around her head
"Jess!" Justin yelled, terrified. "Dont hurt her, please!"

"Shut it!" The man yelled. As punched Justin directly in the face. Knocking him over the blue leather seat.
He forces me onto my knees. I felt something touch the back of my head. My breathing started to quicken, and then I felt a gun on the side of my head.

It was then when everything went black.

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