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The festival of new life has been a quite small affair every six months. We try to one-up ourselves. But I've never done it this late. Stupid June tornados.
Bryan and I are on the planning committee...okay we're the only ones on the committee, but still. I'm only president because I won the coin toss.

Damien(His friend from work if you don't remember) and his friend Jacob, a bear hybrid, were helping set up a banner near our street. To tell people where the festival is and to not drive down the road.

"Lift it higher," I ordered. "We need people to see it, not bump into it."
They were having trouble getting it into place between two old street lamps.
"This is as high as we can go," Jacob complained. "I'm tired. I wanna go to bed."
Bears are always tired this time of year. I swear they use their nature as an excuse to be lazy and eat junk.

"You can hibernate when you finish." Bryan scoffed next to me, "Can you believe these guys?"
I pushed him away, I need to concentrate on the banner placement. People complained they were bumping into it. Last year.
"How about now?"

"How about now?"

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"I don't. It's just I don't like how it's placed."

"This is pretty impressive," I heard a familiar voice. "For americans"

"Oh Sayan," I mutter, "for the hundredth time, you're an American Crystal." I exclaimed, not looking behind me.
"I know. I love hearing you whine about it." she chuckled. "I just came here to see how everything is going. It is my first festival here, after all."
"Everything is going fine, but Justin is too nice to admit the banner's terrible." Bryan teased.
"Wait, is it bad?" Damien commented, "I made this all on my own."

"Well, you're not exactly an art major, so" I chuckled a bit to fill the awkward silence.
"I brought my daughter along. Is that okay?" Crystal asked.
"Yeah, it's fine as long as she doesn't touch anything," Bryan said, "Now, little lady, this isn't a playground, so-"
He was interrupted.
"Dont talk to me like i'm five" she walked off, i'm guessing that was Crystal's daughter.
"Amber, don't wander too far," Crystal called to her.
Then I heard a sound of metal bending. Bryan and Crystal noticed it too.
"Did you guys hear that?" She asked. "It was like a..grrr"
I turned around to face them.
"No no." Bryan corrected, "It was more like a rrrrn."
"No, it was more like-" Damien interrupted me.
"Lamp post!"
"Lamp post?" I question and turn around.
Suddenly I was pulled backwards by my scarf. It was hard to breathe for a second. I landed on my butt; I was so close to landing on my tail.
Then the sound of glass shattering made me jump to my feet.

The lamp post Damien was trying to tie the Banner had fallen over and smashed on the ground. Everyone was silent for a couple of minutes, and I just sat down at a picnic table we set up.
"Justin?" Crystal asked, "Are you okay?"
She stood in front of me and looked me over. Checking me for injuries.
"Yeah, I need to catch my bearings"

Bryan stepped up to her and stood next to her
"The guy's head was almost crushed in giving him a minute," Bryan called to her. "You're a nurse, right?"
"Yes?" She questioned.
"That's cute." He smiled. "I hope you know CPR, baby because you take my breath away."

Is he serious? That line got his foot stomped on in high school.

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