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I was sitting in my room; it's almost noon.

I'm going to meet up with my friends at the Hybrid movie theater in town.
It was right next to the human movie theater. Which is bigger, has better air conditioning. And shows better movies.

But I don't care, the place we go to is fine....right?

I mean, it doesn't seem fair. Humans get all the best stuff, they have the best education, best houses, and us Hybrids get the minimum, and the places were only made for temporary use.
Most basements are unfinished and...pretty scary.

But I....try not to think about that.
I'm excited to see a reshow of the long, long trailer.
I went downstairs.

"Ok, mom, I'm going to see my friends, all be back in a few hours," I said.
"Ok, but I better not have you causing trouble again, Sabrina Brech," Mom said from the kitchen.
"Fine, " I said, laughing.
My mom still hasn't let it go that I set off a stink bomb in Home Ec.
The principal was surprised; he said two more incidents like that, and I would be suspended.

"Maybe I should fly," I muttered to myself. " It's a quicker way."
I head outside. The quiet street that only had Hybrids living on it.
This area is pretty much 100% hybrids. Humans don't come in the this area. They believe it has high crime. They're the ones with the massive crime problems! They assault hybrids! And for no reason at times. And act like victims when they fight back!

I calm myself. I take a few deep breaths.
I can't fly while angry, that's what almost killed uncle Walter.

I start to flap my wings quickly, and I find myself flying.

I could only go up to ten feet into the air. But it's nice. I get to feel the wind on my face and in my light brown hair.
I flew to the center of town, where the movie theater is.

Then before I was able to get there.
Something hit my wings.
This took me by surprise. And I fell out of the sky and into a bush.
I groaned, and I looked for what knocked me out of the sky.
It was a bottle, a glass soda bottle, it was broken, but it felt like what it was.

"Oh well," I heard a boy say.
Oh no.
In front of me were two human boys wearing high school uniforms.
One had black hair, the other brown.
"Little eagle girl doesn't even know how to fly," The brown-haired boy said "Patheic"

"You knocked me out of the sky," I said getting up, I could barely move my right-wing.
"You can't prove that." The black-haired boy said.
I groaned.

Then the boys pushed me to the ground.

Then I screamed as.......They were kicking me.

They were kicking me

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I started to cry. Why do they treat us like this?

Then....they stopped.
"Hey, you fucking punks!" I heard a boy shout. "Pick on someone your own size!"
I heard the other two boys yell and shout.
"You're a monster!" The brown-haired boy yelled.
I didn't even look up from the ground.

Then when I did lookup.
I saw him.

I grabbed his hand

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I grabbed his hand. And he lifted me up.
He's pretty cute. For a wolf.
"Did they hurt you?" He asked me. He seems concerned.
"Not that bad, they kicked me a few times," I said," But my right-wing hurts."
"Ugh," The boy groaned."Why do humans hate us so much."
"I don't know." I muttered," I'm Sabrina Rech."
I held out my hand for him.
"I'm Jason Pearl," He said," Leader of Lupine Pack."
Oh...i've heard of them. They protect hybrids from the abuse humans give out.

"Really?" I asked," Well, thanks for saving me."
"Yeah, well," Jason said," Don't get the wrong idea though; I help everyone those two jerks abuse."

"Well," I said, "You're my hero anyway."
I saw his face heat up.
"Just be careful." He said, and he walked away.
But he stopped.
He sighed, and he pulled out a scrap of paper.
"Here in case they ever bully you again." He gives me the paper.
I look on it.
It was ripped from a notebook.

It's a phone number!!!
"It's the phone number to the phone in Lupine pack boy cave." Jason whispered. If to keep it a secret.

He walked away.
Then I notice my friends at the entrance of the movies.
Jennifer, a rabbit hybrid.
Anna, a cat Hybrid. And a girl I didn't recognize. A wolf hybrid.

"This is Justine" Jennifer said "She's in Annas class""Hi!" Justine cheered

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"This is Justine" Jennifer said "She's in Annas class"
"Hi!" Justine cheered. "I've heard a lot about you."
"You look familiar," I said," What's your last name?"
"Pearl," Justine said, confused.
Oh, she must be related to Jason.

I didn't bring anything else up. And we went inside.

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