The fight

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"Run." roan said. "Are you stupid or dumb, I'm not running." i replied.

There were 8 men wearing Podakru outfits. I didn't know what Podakru was until I got there.

(I looked it up and when i found out it was a real thing i was like omg)

I threw a knife at someone's arm and then knocked him out.

(I scripted that when u knock someone out they will be out for a couple hours)

Roan already had 4 men to their knees and they were dead. I felt off... I did script that dead bodies look like movie fake bodies so i wouldn't get traumatized.

I took out the last 3 and knocked them out. Roan grabbed my hand and ran like idk how long. It feel like a mile. We stopped breathing heavily. "Your stronger than what I would of thought." he said. "I bet i'm stronger than you." i said with challenging eyes.

"When we get to the cave we'll settle this one angel." he said with also challenging eyes. We both smiled and kept walking.

30 minutes later:

We walked silently mostly. At times we'd have a conversation. "So are you gonna tell me your name and why your without a clan." i asked. "Roan, and i got exiled." he said. "Oh that's awkward." i said making an over exaggerating eye brow raise. "Okay sangheda." he said annoyed.

"You know you can call me by my real name. I'm izzy incase you couldn't catch on." i said. "I know i remember clarke saying it, but I like angel better." he said and he walked ahead of me doing exactly what I did to him.

Sometimes when i get in those types of situations i will silently scream or just open my eyes very wide and I stood there doing that.

"We're here. Now time to test you, " roan called out smiling. I rolled my eyes, "fine." We both walked into the cave. It was a lot bigger than what I would of thought. There was already stuff there. "So you've stayed here before." i said. "Yeah kind of like a checkpoint." roan said. I just sat by the wall with my legs to my chest. I was subtly staring at Roan not letting him notice but he knew. "Are you going to stare or get up and fight he said.

I gave him an annoyed look and stood up. He circled me like I was his prey. I watched his moves, I was stronger but he had more skill. He used his right arm to grab mine and kick my leg so I landed back first onto to ground. "Is that all you got angel?" he said. I stood up right away and he swung but I caught his wrist and I ducked under his arm to face his back. But he was able to push me back away. We now faced each other again.

It went on for a couple minutes, him throwing and me catching, me throwing and him catching. Eventually I threw him on his back onto the floor. "Is that all you got." i mocked him. I smiled but am nice lol so I let my hand out to help him up. He grabbed my hand and was almost up when he tripped me to the floor on my backs His legs were between my sides and we were both a panting mess.

"Never show anyone any weakness angel." he said. I wasn't having it. I decided to fight back.

I then refilled him so this time I was th the one straddling him. My arms were on each side of his head. I arched my back a little which got a small groan from him.

I got close to his face and mimicked him, "Never show anyone any weakness." I laughed and he smiled. At this point my face was inches away from his. I leaned in but then sometbing inside me stopped.

I had realized I was falling for him. Not completely obviously but I felt something. "Damn it." i whispered. I quickly got up and faced to the outside of the cave.

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