Hard Choices

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Queen Nia had challenged Lexa to a fight to the death. She picked Roan to fight for her. Clarke was sitting in one of the clan chairs. I stood next to her. As soon as Nia said it Roan and I made eye contact. I quickly looked away.

I knew how Lexa fought. I also knew how Roan fought. At this point I didn't remember the storyline. This can't be where roan dies. It's too soon. Right? or could he. I said to myself.

After Clarke got mad at lexa for picking herself to go up against him I stayed back. There was two things I needed to do before. Then it hit me. Lexa killed queen Nia. I almost forgot but in that second I remembered. I asked Lexa if I could speak with her.

She said to give it 10 minutes. Clarke was prancing around the room freaking out. "How ironic, we both want opposite people to win." I said but I knew neither would die. "I completely forgot Iz. Whatever happens you know i'll be there for you." Clarke said. "And I will be here too love." I replied.

Lexa called Clarke and I to her throne room. As I looked I saw Aden there. I quickly walked up to him and we hugged. I was so incredibly happy to see him. "I told you I'd find my way back to you." I said. Lexa had been talking to all the nightbloods. They were sitting around her. Titus came and grabbed them.

"Aden stay back. Clarke, this is Aden. Aden is the most promising of my noviciates. If shall die today he will likely succeed me. " she looks at aden, "Clarke worries about her people, tell her what will happen to them when you become Heda Aden." Lexa said.

"If I become Heda, I pledge my loyalty to the 13th clan." Aden said. "Thank you, now go join the others." Lexa said. I gave Aden one last hug before he left.

"See, nothing to worry about." Lexa said with a smile. Lexa mentioned how she sent an army to go protect Arcadia especially after the Mt Weather incident.

Clarke didn't believe in Lexas fighting skills. She said she wouldn't have it. She stormed out, but I waited. "What did you want to discuss Izzy." Lexa said on edge.

I tried to lighten the mood. "Clarke will come around. She's stubborn, but just between us, she feels something for you, she just doesn't know it yet." I said. Lexa smiled.

"Also, you can't kill Roan. And before you ask why and get all mad let me explain." I said. She look concerned and said, "Okay fine, continue."

"Well Nia is the real problem right? What would be better than the Commander killing the Queen in front of everyone. Instead of killing Roan, kill the queen during the match." I said.

She walked around the room with her arms behind her back, then stopped. She looked at me and said, "That could possibly work. What about Roan? Wouldn't he be angry? Wouldn't he want revenge."

"I don't think so. He doesn't like his mother. Wouldn't care too much to see her dead. If he's king, give me a month and I can get him wrapped around my finger. Imagine a world where we have no enemies anymore. Where we all can live in peace." i said.

She smiled a little. Little did I know, secretly she had that teenage girl thing about her just like Clarke and I. She kept it buried though. "What do you mean wrapped around your finger.... You did not fall for the man who I made kidnap and take you in?" she smiles slightly and said.

I laughed and said, "Is that a yes or no Lexa?"

"I guess it could show an act of power and show them that i'm the one true leader. I will take you up on this dead."

I hugged her. She was a little tense, but eventually eased into it. "Thank you." I said.  "You are a very important peace to this Izzy, i'm hoping you do as you actually say." she said.

"I don't do the whole false promises thing." I said and smiled.

That was the first thing I wanted to do and it was a success. Now I had to talk to Roan. I wasn't going to tell him though.

He was practicing with his sword. Godamn he looked fine as hell. He sensed me there and put his sword at it me and by my chest. "What are you doing out here angel?" he asked.

"Why do you trust Clarke to accomplish things she is most likely not going to do? I love her but she's new to this. She was never going to be able to kill the queen." i said.

In that moment I knew i fucked up. Clarke never told me. I knew because I knew partially some of the story line. I said fuck it whatever. I'll be fine.

He laughed. "Face the other way and don't talk to me." he said. I quickly obliged.

"Roan meet me in there when your ready. Preferably in 5 minutes." Nia said. She walked away and I turned around.

"Please be carful." I said not trying to show I was worried. I couldn't fall for him. Falling for him would lead to the inevitable. "Looks like someone's showing she cares." he said smiling. "Fine then I guess go have fun dying." I rolled my eyes and was walking past him as he grabbed my wrist and turned me to him. He kissed me.

I didn't care where we were all I felt in the moment was him. "What was that for." I said.

"Just in case love." he said. I faltered. I just stood there. Love. That's a new one. It made me nervous. He could tell. He walked his way and then I walked mine. Into their little arena.

The fight went the same way as I had hoped. Roan almost had lexa but then she moved out of the way. She was standing over him. She grabbed her spear. "Get on with it." Roan said.

Clarke was standing next to me. She looked over at me and I gave her a look which was asking her to do as I said.

She threw the speak into queen Nias chest. I was relieved. Clarke looked at me, "Is that what you talked to her about." Clarke said. I nodded.

"The Queen is dead... Long love the king." Lexa said as she helped roan up. The crowd cheered with her. Lexa and I made eye contact. I smiled at her and nodded. She did the same which caught Roans attention.

Well I guess if he was going to find out it was now. He for sure knew what I had done. I was scared for his reaction. Would he be mad? No I just saved his life. Only time will tell.

I snuck into his room after that.

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