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Clarke wasn't there. That's the only person I was worried about. We all stood there as Lexa undid the rope from my mouth. "Clarke's been waiting for you." she said. "I am sorry Izzy." she said again with a soft but stern voice.

"I am too." i said with disappointment filling up my face.

Roan stepped forward, "I've done my part, now do yours. Lift my banishment" he said.

"I'm told your mothers army marches on Polis." lexa said. "That has nothing to do with me. Honour our deal. " said Roan.

"I'll honour our deal when your queen honours my coalition." Lexa snapped. "Lock prince Roan of Azgeda away.

They took him away as we stared at each-other. "Please take me to her." I said. Lexa nodded and Titus brought me to where she was.

I laughed. "Something funny sangheda." Titus asked. As I was about to walk through the door I said, "You all take life too seriously." I smiled and went in.

Clarke looked clean, all freshen up. I smiled and hugged her. My best friend.

"Love I was so worried about you. Luckily Lexa would never lay a finger on you, unless it's in a sexua-..." "Izzy shut the hell up." she spat. We both laughed a little. Sometimes our relationship felt like we were both still teenage girls hanging out at a sleepover. Our lives had changed so quickly. We were just kids learning and not worrying about a thing. Now we had to fight to stay alive.

We all know the ending of this story. Things are different now. I am here because the outcome could of ended with peace. I intend to change the outcome. Whatever it takes.

(I'm only gonna mention bits a pieces of the og storyline. If there's a skip just assume that whatever happened in the show happened in between and ended up the same)

Clarke and I talked for a while. "So Izzy.... I found out he was a prince." "Oh I know." I smiled to myself. Clarke knew. How did she know. She can literally read my mind. She knew me better than anyone ever has.

"You slept with him didn't you?" she said suddenly. "How- I-. Clarke... Well.. Yeah.. Yeah i did." I admitted. She smiled widely.

"Are you going to tell me about it." she said. "Fine... He enjoys pet names. I do too so it's a perfect mix." I said. "What did he call you." she said intrigued.

"It feels so weird saying it but Angel, Doll, and slut." I said. "He called you a slut?" Clarke said laughing. "Correction he said 'you like being a slut like this don't you.'" I laughed even harder and said. "Okay but what about the sex." Clarke said.

"He loves choking I don't know what this dude is on but I'm also bruising all over. My hips bruised from his hands crushing into them. Him pulling my hair and smiling at all my reaction." I suddenly remembered it like it was yesterday. Well yeah it was.

"Good girl. That's it. Take it." he said as his breath hit my skin. My hands looped into his hair and slightly tug at it as his finger reached down and pressed against my core. "So compliant for me. Such a good girl." he said. I continued to moan against his words, but then realized that I'm not always a submissive angel.

I lifted myself up and switched our position so I was on top of him. I started riding him and saw his head release to the back of his neck. "So compliant for me. Such a good boy." I mocked him and whispered close to his face. "Your not gonna regret mocking me."

He flipped me over again and went even faster as I moaned louder. "That's it sweetheart, cum for me." I did as he said and as soon as I did he did as well. My legs felt tired, very tired.

He fell next to me and we both were panting. He turned to me and grabbed me by my throat deeply kissing me. His hand sliding down my back to down my leg. He pulled me closer to him and and lifted up my chin.

"Don't think whatever this is will end Angel." He said. I nodded. "Sleep." He said as he kissed my head and pulled me closer.


I told Clarke most of the story, sparing the things he said. "Wait so this isn't just a one time thing." she said excitingly. "Clarke you know it's hard for me to do these things. I always end up falling for them and then they die. I cant love anyone else because they will end up dead." i said.

Clarke was sad, "Take it one day at a time my love, you don't have to fall for him. Just have fun I guess." She smiled while wiping my tear.

Love is scary. I'm so used to people not liking me. Leaving me. When someone calls me pretty I sit there and laugh. Murphy was someone who genuinely made me feel happy with myself. On the Arc when I was friends with him and his boys, I got a different perspective. Murphy cared so much and wanted to be a hero but felt like it was too late. Love doesn't last. At least that's what I thought.

Apparently I got my own room. The guard took me there. I said my goodbyes to Clarke and looked around. Imagine the potential of this place if they would put aside their violence. I slept peacefully that night. Ready for the next.

I woke up fairly late. I walked to Clarke's room and said hello. I noticed a knife on her bed but didn't say anything. I didn't think they let weapons. I told her i'd be right back. I wanted air.

I stood at the side of some balcony. Leaning over looking at the view. I heard footsteps come up. It was Roan. He looked different tho. Hotter.

"Oh look, it's the Prince of Azgeda." I smiled still not looking at him. "Don't be fooled angel, I'm a prisoner here, same as you." he said. "Well technically you are the reason I am here." I finally looked his direction.

"Oh shut up don't act like you didn't enjoy your ride here." he said. I laughed. He stood next to me. "I know you and Clarke want revenge for what Lexa did." he said. "Clarkes really the one that cares considering they kisse- oh my god. I should probably not have said that." I felt awful.

Sometimes when i'm nervous around people I overshare. It's the only way I can cope with it.

"I could tell." he laughed and said. "But I made a deal with Clarke. I gave her a knife and told her to kill Lexa and she will have a allie with the ice queen." he said.

I smacked my face, "You- are- an- idiot. Clarke is not going to kill Lexa." He looked confused. "and how could you know that." he said. "She's my best friend, I know her better than anyone and trust me when I tell you no harm will be done to Lexa." I said getting closer to him.

"Better luck next time prince." I said as I patted his arm and attempted to walk away. He grabbed my wrist hard and turned me around. "Fix the attitude angel." he said annoyed but jokingly. "Make me." i said.

I walked away smiling "Bye prince." i said walking away.

His mother showed up that day. Lexa was now going to fight Roan.

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