Something Different

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Age 12. This will be the last page of my childhood

As I grew older I began to notice that I started to gain less care for life (guys dw this is me in general in my cr so i ain't scripting in anymore trauma). But it was excused as me being a teenager. I wish adults would just listen instead of thinking it's a phase. I was not in a good place. I felt overlooked and compared to Clarke I felt not as superior. It's hard being a apart of this family. I know they love me but I just always feel so different. The kids always made me feel bad for it. Basically let's just say I have a big of anger problems. I feel myself lash out and become irritated easily with my friends.

       One time for example Clarke, Wells, and I were showing off our art projects. Everyone liked Clarke's more. I got up and smashed her painting and left. I never knew why I did it but I did. Whatever Clarke did I had to be better. I showed up apologizing but later made all the kids love my science project on the planets in the universe.

Me and Jake had a special relationship. He taught me all about the ship while clarke learned how to be a doctor. We both did both but i liked learning about the ship more because i'm more of a technical person while clarke is a healer. So whenever i was mad he would take me to a different part of the ship and we'd sit  there and reflect on our days.

15 years old: i became best friends with murphy and his crew bc clarke and wells were too much of goody to shoes for me. I had always been attracted to the more rebellious people. Obviously there wasn't a clear drama. There wasn't a scandal in my friendship with clarke and wells, I just slowly drifted. But I lived w Clarke so I still saw her everyday. Me, Murphy, and these two kids named John and Ethan who we never met were so funny. We got high all the time and sometimes saw Jasper and Monty since they had the good stuff. But murphy always disliked monty and jasper.

Backround knowledge:
My first time doing  it was at 15 because whenever you feel ready your ready. It was w a dude named John but it was his first as well so like there's nothing to really explain. but Murphy was my second.

We would get into sm trouble until I got completely sick of Murphy's attitude. It was fun while it lasted but I didn't wanna be like that. There came a point where I stopped seeking the popular kids attention. I didn't care anymore. I'd rather be the best version of myself.

Abby and Jake found out so we were put into idek what it's called. "prison" i guess. It was for a week but we couldn't be floated cuz we were kids. Abby then made me practice with the guard to see if my anger could be let out and to get me out of trouble. They thought that if I was able to fight my rage out that I could become more calm.

More backround knowledge: I scripted that people don't really die. This is what happens. If i say I killed someone technically for the storyline I did but there not actually dead. What happens is they "die" which I also scripted these "dead" bodies look like movie props bc I don't wanna see a dead body. So they die but then wake up 12 hours later. Also this is only if I "kill" them. The rest of the deaths are apart of the storyline and I didn't do them. They wake up 12 hours later with memories gone and everyone thinks their dead and they just rejoin their community and technically their dead but they don't realize and just rejoin things. Also I scripted that for me personally all I have to do is punch someone a certain way for them to be "dead". I'm not one of those ppl who kill i'm their dr so I've found a way for me to prevent this.

I "killed" one of the men who was helping me. I was so much stronger then all of them and no one knew why. I was overly strong. It was weird. Like my body knew how to fight but my mind wasn't too sure. I just stood there. I ran out and cried. Abby tried to cover it up and from a medical stand point said he had a heart attack. No one could prove her wrong but it was rumoured that I had killed this man.

17: just turning 17 me and clarke had boyfriends. We went everywhere together. At this point Clarke and I had never been closer. Her boyfriend was very annoying and so was mine. I felt like there was no one on the arc for me. I broke up with my boyfriend and Clarke was upset with me. "Why did you do that he was such a nice guy" Clare asked.

"I just wanted to. I don't want to deal with this right now" I replied. "So when you get upset or these annoying flashes of anger are you gonna stop being my friend next. Do I mean anything to you or am I just here temporary." Clarke said angrily.

"You know what I'm not gonna deal with this Ill be back" I said almost tearing up. I think she tried to come after me. I didn't let her.

While I was mad, Jake walked around with me in within the pipes of the arc. I noticed something was off with the co2 scrubbers. I felt my heart drop. I wish I wasn't so blunt but I looked at him and said "we're dying aren't me, that's what your showing me." yes he said. "clarke doesn't know yet but i'm planning on going public". "Jake that's dumb as fuck bc you'll die but I know i won't be able to stop you. Jake please just don't do it, I cant loose you too." He didn't listen.

Obviously I thought telling the people was the right choice but humans aren't good. They would panic and start looting and killing because they knew they would die. But these people on the arc were different. Some were better. But some aspects of life on Earth transferred to the arc. when there's a working class not getting the same benefits they will always act out. I would too if I was them.

Then clarke found out and she was placed in prison but I wasn't because no one knew. I knew since it was only me and jake and i didn't tell abby. Plus me and Clarke were in an argument so no one suspected me knowing. I never got to apologize to clarke and I was upset. Then jake was floated and I cried bc he basically was my father.

now the ground.....

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