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In the middle of preparing his dinner for the day he heard the doorbell ring

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In the middle of preparing his dinner for the day he heard the doorbell ring.

Frowning at who would be visiting him, he quickly washed his hands, dried them and went to open the door for whoever is standing behind it.

"Kun." He said and nodded his head, a sign of that the other male was welcome yet he's confused why he's here after not talking to him, not even a simple message.

He left the door open and turned his back to the other, walking back to the kitchen.

He heard the front door closing and footsteps following his. So when he went back to the oven and the still silent man sat in one of the two barstools he decided to break the silent.

"What brings you here, Kun?" He asked, as if he already knew the answer, with his eyebrow raised, hands resting against the table as he slightly leaned forward.

"I can't visit you?" The other asked almost with no emotions in his voice, almost.

"Go straight to the point, Kun. I'm not playing." He answered with the same tone.

"What makes you think I'm here for a purpose?"

"I'm not someone to fool." He answered immediately, his tone much lower this time. "I'm not young anymore to be laughed at."

"What has gotten into you, Yangyang?" Slamming his hand on the bar, Kun asked in a hissing sound while he stood up.

While the older one was losing his temper, the younger remained calm on the outside with a small smirk forming on his lips. "You're acting as if you don't know."

"Because I seriously don't know anymore. So please, enlighten me." With each word that was leaving Kun's mouth, the look in Yangyang's eyes only darkened.

"I've never felt like this before, my heart pounds and flutters."

"Oh please, stop talking to me in those haikus." Kun rolled his eyes at the answer of the other. "You're understanding what you're doing? What some kind of bullshit you're putting yourself into?"

"Bullshit?" Yangyang asked frowning, making sure he heard right. "In case you still haven't realized, those are my feelings you are calling 'bullshit'."

"I didn't mean-" Kun started clammily but the other interrupted him not wanting to hear anything else that sounds like a lie, just to make him look like the bad boy. Cause he's the one who's at fault again, he thought saying it sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter anymore" he said and held his hand up. "If you don't have anything else to say, something that has nothing to do with my feelings," he said the second part through his teeth as if someone possessed him just for that sentence, "you know where the door is."

He turned around and grabbed the towel that was resting on his shoulder the whole time.

"What is happening to you?" The older murmured but the other heard him clearly and rolled his eyes.

"Here we go again." He sighed still his his back turned.

"I'm trying to help you!" The older raised his voice causing the other the shout louder while he turned around. "I don't need help!"

They both tried to calm the fire in their eyes down by breathing heavily but the younger wasn't done. "I finally feel happy somehow. So why do you want to take that away from me? Why won't you let me enjoy it even for just a simple moment?" The younger kept on asking questions with hurt.

The elder wanted to say something, anything but his mouth remained open with no sound, not expecting the younger to break down in front of him.

"Suddenly it's pitch black all around." He continued while looking down, tears started to form in his eyes but he refused to let them out. "Each night," he looked up at the other and raised this finger to point at the space behind, "each night," he repeated through his teeth, "I just sit there by myself thinking, thinking and thinking about her."

"Who'll stop me? No one." He finished and turned his back once again to Kun, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand.

"I'll stop you." The other said softly, putting a hand on his chest. "Please let me stop you, let me help you before somthing bad happens."

The younger didn't day anything but did tilt his head to the side and that was enough for Kun. "Please Yangyang, I'm begging you let me help you before you regret it."

The younger siged and let his head fall into his hands. This image of the younger broke his heart.

"It's all right Yangyang." The elder whispered softly while pulling the younger into a hug. "I'll stay by your side, you just have to trust me. To trust that I worry about you."

"It's a saddened heart." Yangyang said as he let himself rest against Kun. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that when it comes to her, I don't want anyone to get involved. When it comes to when I am with her, I don't want anyone to be looking at us with a different look."

The younger pulled himself away from the other and looked at him in the eyes whispering "I know you only do what is best but it's already out of my control, the feeling is overwhelming."

Kun smiled softly at the other, slightly shocked how the younger could say those brave words.

Kun grabbed the back of Yangyang's head and pulled him close. "It's going to be okay, just let me help."

The younger found himself nodding his head, not trusting his own words if he says yes.

The other's smile widened and he ruffled the younger's hair. "Didn't realize how much you have matured Yangyang."

That sentence made the younger chuckle. "I've tried to show you it many times but it looks like no one realized. Or you did realize and just didn't want to face the truth. The truth that I'm becoming a wild animal, a puma who have been set free."

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