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He sat on a bench in the park, slowly he started to hear the voice of birds singing and the faint light rising up in the distance

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He sat on a bench in the park, slowly he started to hear the voice of birds singing and the faint light rising up in the distance.

He closed his eyes, feeling a cold breeze hitting his face ever so lightly. Suddenly he heard a whispering voice from the distance. He didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was just someone having his morning walk.

But hearing it again, he shot his eyes open, recognizing the voice from thousands of other voices. "Yangyang." He heard it more clearly now.

He sat up, looking around, searching for her like a maniac.

"To your right." He snapped his head from his left to his right and slightly turned around. He saw her outline.

He stood up and walked towards where she is standing, whith each step he took he could feel his heart becoming heavier and heavier.

As he became close, he finally could see her face, she was smiling just like how she smiled at him couple hours ago. Yet the feeling and the fire that creates inside of him never changes as if he just saw her for the first time, hand in hand, with Ten.

"Miran?" He called with a frown on his forehead, "What are you doing here right now?"

She giggled before answering him. "Just wanted to see you."

As much as he was confused about what was happening, he felt as if he was dreaming right now.

"Come on lets go." She took his hand in hers and started walking while dragging him with her. Her hands were ice cold.

"Miran." He called her name but she didn't answer and kept walking to god knows where. And he let her be. He let her take him to the end of the world.

She stopped when they stood at the top of the bridge, water floating beneath them. His sweaty hand still interlocked in her freezing hands.

"What is happening, Miran?" He asked in a faint voice. His heart was about to burst out of his chest.

He felt her hand slowly letting go of his but he kept his eyes fixed on the water. How much he hoped to be swept away just like the water was doing to a plastic bottle. He wanted to be swept away form his feelings, from his dream and from her. Her who he became more craving for, uncontrollably.

"I'm scared." He felt himself shaking, starting to feel dizzy. "I seriously am." His voice cracked this time.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to go back to the way it was." He looked up from the water to his left where Miran was standing but she wasn't anymore.

He eyes grew wide before he realized she was already walking towards the end of the bridge. He followed her but in his mind he realized he was chasing her.

This time he was the one who held her hand. "Miran." He said sternly and she turned still with the smile that never seemed to fade. "What is happening?" He asked once again because she had the answer. She had the answer for everything that was happening with him the moment he saw her. The moment he's lost looking for her, the moment he can't forget her.

She giggled and placed her hand on his chest where his heart hasn't calmed down for a second. "You're in love."

Right now he was panting heavily. "In love?" He asked not sure about how to react. He has never been in love and he wouldn't say that right now, he's actually in love. Shouldn't love be beautiful? To make you feel happy? Then why was he like that. Why was he having such a hard time to wandering for her, her a dream. Then he wakes to find himself going around in circles again.

"Miran, I-I can't be." He stuttered while shaking his head. "I shouldn't be, you're with Ten." He was looking down at her, broken while she still had a smile on. But slowly it started fading.

"You're talking about me?" She asked shocked and then he froze. He didn't know what to say. He thought she knew?

"Miran," he started while looking at her frightened face, "please," he nervously gulped down, "let me explain."

"No." She was stepping away from him. "No I thought we were good friends. I thought of you just like a younger brother." This time she looked at him dead in the eyes with burning flames in hers. "Just like how Ten thinks of you."

"I can't help it, dammit!" He yelled, scaring her a little but she kept a straight face.

"Kun is also after me but why won't anyone understand that it isn't my choice!" With each word his voice was raising, frustration taking over.

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "I don't want to do this to Ten but you have to know that it is out of my control." He said this time more quieter.

"Since when?" She asked surprisingly calmly. To that question he let out a humorless chuckled. "Since for ever." His voice cracked and was shaking. "Since our eyes met in that short instant, the moment all the senses stop. Little tremors spread inside of me. For the first time I am swallowed by the feeling that became who I am."

He was staring at her eyes and she at his, no more flames burning inside of them but sympathy. Which he hates more that anything, preferring the wild fire in her eyes than the feeling of pity.

"I don't want you to pity me." He said dryly. "But to understand me." Still the look in her eyes didn't change, funny how he could see right through her.

"I just want to beg you to not tell Ten. To not tell anyone, not even Kun." There where no emotions in his voice when he was speaking, all of them just disappeared when he let them out and told her the long wanted truth.

"Not to tell them what?" She pusshed harder, he knew that she wanted him to admit it. To admit it to himself.

"That I'm in love."

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