Too fast.

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Third day of WayV's practice came but there were still only 6 members

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Third day of WayV's practice came but there were still only 6 members. Ten texted them and said that he couldn't come today too because of his sickness.

To support him the members thought of making him a surprise and visit him after they finish.

Knocking on his door WayV expected Ten to be the one who was standing behind the door and opened it, but instead his girlfriend did.

"Oh hi guys." She said whispering with a wide smile. They were all shocked and Yangyang's head shot immediately towards her way.

"Miran, nice to see you here." Xiaojun said and they started to walk inside Ten's appartement and Yangyang waited to be the last one.

"Ten didn't tell me you were coming." The girlfriend whispered and sat on the sofa. "We dindn't told him, in fact we weren't planing on coming but then we decided that it's best if we paid him a visit." Lucas told her an made himself comfortable on the couch.

"Oh, okay. Well he's sleeping now but he's doing better." Smiling her sweet smile like always she noticed how YangYang was standing silently at the door.

"Yangyang come sit here, I will get you guys something to drink. Oh and if you want to see Ten I suppose you know where his room is but please don't wake him up he just fell asleep." Passing by Yangyang while speaking and smiling at him he could feel the nervousness growing inside of him.

The younger boy walked and sat on the place where his friend's girlfriend was sitting seconds ago but Kun noticed how the boy is totally different from who he was in the practice room.

"You okay?" Kun whispered to him and Yangyang just nodded his head. He himself still couldn't figure out what he was feeling nor what that feeling was whenever he sees her.

"She's taking really good care of him." Hendery whispered to his members, a happy smile on his face.

The others agreed but there was one person who couldn't wait for the topic to change.

"I've got you guys juice, I thought you would've liked some fruits but you know Ten, he's not a fan so he doesn't have any." Miran came back with a tray.

The guys laughed and each took a glass. Yangyang looked around and the only free seat remained was right next to him.

His breath hitched for a moment before he tried to move all the way to his left, wanting to creat a big space between him and the girl who was coming to sit next to him. But it didn't help, the couch was too small for him to move and she sat right next to him.

Everyone was having a small talk but there he sat, uncomfortable.

"Yangyang?" He heard his name being called by the most soft voice he ever heard. He turned his head towards the voice and was met with her eyes.

"You're the youngest here right?" She asked and took a sip from her drink.

He stared a little into her eyes before looking away and nodding his head.

"Well don't worry, I'm the same age as you." She smiled and patted his thigh.

The place where she putted her hand was burning and Yangyang felt a shock inside of him. He was trying his best not to make anything obvious but Kun could sense that something was wrong with the younger.

"So I heard you guys are taking a little break since Ten and Lucas are joining SuperM." Miran said, getting everyone's attention.

"Yes, everyone will be doing his own little thing." Xiaojun answered.

"We can deal with Ten being away for couple of months but can you?" Hendery teased and wiggled his eyebrows making Miran laugh.

"I can deal with it." She said with confidence but her red cheeks were exposing her.

"Suurree." Winwin teased more and the girl's cheeks got even more red.

Everyone laughed at her while Yangyang was secretly admiring her.

How she was laughing and giggling, how her cheeks were getting redder, how shy she was getting.

He found himself smiling at her, at how shy she was getting, not caring about the reason for it.

He could feel his heart beating loudly inside his ears and he had to stop himself from pulling her into his arms and hiding her. Telling everyone to stop teasing her.

When Miran looked away from everyone and her head turned into Yangyang's way, she was met with his eyes.

He was looking at her with much love but she couldn't describe what she saw in his eyes.

When she softly smiled at him, he realized that he was staring that's why he looked away quickly.

Maybe this time it was obvious but he couldn't help, he had to stop his heart from exploding inside of him.

The speed of his heart beating was just too fast.

"You can always hang out with us." Yangyang whispered softly but everyone heard him. He could feel all of their eyes on him, her eyes.

He made that suggestion because he wanted to see her once again. Even though every time he sees her he feels like he's going crazy, he didn't want that feeling to stop. Ever.

He looked back up at her and was met once again with her soft eyes.

"Thanks, I'll make sure we can all hang out." Miran said and smiled at everyone. That smile, Yangyang though while staring at her not blinking.

At that moment he started to question himself what he was exactly feeling, that crazy feeling that grow inside of him too fast.

He couldn't describe it nor was he familiar with it, which was making everything worse. How could she make him feel so drunk and high with just her being present. Not to mention he just met her couple of  days ago, heck he just knew her age.

Those feelings he was afraid of, his feelings towards this dangerous woman.

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