Knock on.

575 17 8

His phone rang, a text from Ten

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His phone rang, a text from Ten

Did he find out? Was he mad?

With shaking hands he opened it.

I'm really happy that you went out with Miran, she told me before she replied to you. She was nervous to tell you yes or no but I told her to go. I know that she wants to get to know you all and I'm happy you're trying to make her feel welcome. Thank you for taking care of her while I'm gone.

He was shocked by what he read. Not only was Ten happy and thanking him but Miran went out with him because of Ten.

"You told Ten we're hanging out?" It didn't sound like a question since his voice got darker and deeper. He wasn't even looking at her, he was still looking at his phone. At the message from Ten.

"Yeah, I didn't want him to misunderstand so I asked him what he thought about it." He finally looked back at her eyes. She was looking so innocent at him that it made him feel bad for asking her to hang out but anger was still there.

Not only at her because he knew that she had all the right, but mad at himself. For letting himself believe that he had something going on with her.

Suddenly he didn't want to sit here anymore, he wanted to go home and have his own imagination than being here with her, only as friends.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked concerned after seeing the look on his face and the sudden change is his voice.

Putting on a fake smile he answered "No, not at all. It's just that Ten texted me, saying he's happy that we are hanging out."

"Oh okay." She smiled and looked down, but it wasn't her usual smile. It is a shy smile and Yangyang could notice the blush that was creeping on her cheeks. And more anger raised in him.

Just mentioning his name and she's already all frustrated. He looked back down at his phone, sighed and turned it off. Not making an effort to reply.

The rest of their time at the restaurant, Yangyang didn't seem to be focusing. All he had in his mind was how she agreed on going out with him just because Ten agreed. She was telling him stories and he only nodded, makking a little remark when he really listened but for rest he seemed to be only focusing on how her facial expressions changed and on how her lips moved.

As time seemed to pass by, his anger started to fade and his nervousness of being so close to her, alone began to rise back up.

"I'm talking too much aren't I?" She blushed when she relized how he was staring at her, a lost look in his eyes.

He shook his head no. "Each word you say is like a perfect lyrics, I want to listen more."

He noticed the blush on her face has gotten a darker shade and he smiled at her. "Continue." he told her.

And she contuned to tell him a story he had no idea about what it was, he just liked that she's opening up to him.

What he was not realizing at all was how she is looking at him. Not matching how he is looking at her, full of admiration and adoration.

"Yangyang" she called and he was pulled away from his daydream, without her knowing he was drunk in his own thoughts.

"I was listening." He whispered and it made her smile. "I know but you have to finish your plate, come on."

He looked down at his untouched food and strarted eating.

They were standing outside both of them awkwardly not knowing what is going to happen next.

But he already had something in mind. "It was fun." He started. "But I should go back home now, I have some things going on right now." With that he looked the other way trying to avoid eye contact.

"Thank you for asking me to come Yangyang." But hearing her voice calling his name, his head immediately turned towards her. "Until next time then."

With a finale smile of hers and a little wave she turned around, heading towards her car.

The young man stood there watching her every movement and heading towards his car as well.

Arriving home he tossed his jacket on the chair and laid down on the couch, eyes closed and a little sigh leaving his mouth.

He felt numb, didn't knew what to do. He wasn't mad, he wasn't happy, he wasn't sad. He just... wasn't.

Going through his phone he came back across Ten's message and he decided that he should write something back.

Don't worry about it.
I'll be taking good care of her.
Just as if you're here.

He knew he wouldn't be able to take Ten's place but he is willing to try, even if it means he's going to play with fire.

Slowly closing his eyes, trying to rest but it didn't seems he would. His mind keeps wondering towards her.

He felt weird. Opening back his eyes and sitting straight and leaning his hands on his knees. It's so not him.

A lot of emotions are playing with him yet sometimes he didn't felt anything. Standing up frustrated, he ran his hand through his hair and went to stand by his door-window.

Leaning his arm against it he looked outside, a view to his garden but he could also see how the sun was going down.

Time just went by and he wasn't aware of it.

When night comes. Every time, like a habit, he imagines things about her. He's so curious, he can't fall asleep.

Laying wide awake on his bed, he got up and went back to the living room.

Not knowing exactly what he came to do, he started to walk in circles while looking up.

No thoughts, head empty, only her image in it. 

He laughed, she just came with a knock on his heart, he thought of "stupid me let her in."

Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating that's why I've got some little things to say.
1. Damn... wayv comeback.
2. School seriously sucks, I've been really busy with school work that I just didn't got the time to write.
Sorry for that 🤍

Btw the song of this chapter fits Yangyang's feelings right now perfectly :))

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