Calling my name.

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When they came back in the practice room, Yangyang was more calmed down and loosed up a little but the nervousness was still there

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When they came back in the practice room, Yangyang was more calmed down and loosed up a little but the nervousness was still there.

"There you are, took you quite a while." Ten was the first to speak up when they walked through the door.

"You just missed her already Ten." Hendery teased and everybody laughed but not Yangyang.

"Here's the ice cream." He called and placed the bag on the ground where everybody immediately sat in a circle to eat.

"Let's go." The boy said to his best friend's girlfriend when he saw her still awkwardly standing up.

They sat down with the others and enjoyed the ice creams.

"So Miran," Lucas started, "how could someone like you love someone like Ten."

"What do you mean by that?" Ten asked pretending to be offended.

Everyone laughed and Yangyang let out a chuckle.
"Ten is really sweet and that's what made me fall for him."  The girl answered truthfully.

"So you're not into bad boys?" Yangyang asked in a deep voice and everyone was quite. He was choked too, it came out without him realizing.

"No, not really." The girl didn't had a problem answering the question and Yangyang looked back down.

"Let's continue practicing." Winwin clapped his hands and stood up to avoid the awkward silence that was formed in the circle.

Everybody stood up but Miran pulled her boyfriend to the side and grabbed her purse and jacket. "I need to go now, my shift is starting soon."

Ten nodded his head understanding and kissed her forehead. "Take care, alright. I'll see you later tonight."

The girl smiled softly at him before turning back to the others and saying her goodbyes.

"You're going already?" Yangyang asked and once again the words coming out without him realizing.

"Yes I need to go to work. I see you guys next time?" She asked softly but everyone already screamed a yes and with the very last smile she walked out of the doors.

After a little bit of more practice everyone started heading home until Yangyang was left alone with Ten.

"You're lucky to have her." Yangyang said out of blue.

"What?" Ten asked confused.

"Miran." The younger boy said while looking into Ten's eyes. "You're lucky to have her, she seems really nice."

"Oh." Ten grinned and looked at the ground shyly. "Thanks, I'm sure one day you'll find someone like her." He patted Yangyang's shoulder before walking away.

The younger boy smiled for real, he was happy for his his best friend but deep down was a feeling that he couldn't describe.

The next day Ten didn't show up for practice, his team waited but after thirty minutes they decided they should begin without him.

But they got interrupted when someone came in, they thought it was Ten until they heard the female voice again.

"Hey guys." All eyes were on her but Yangyang stood with his back turned.

"Ten is feeling really sick that's why he didn't came to practice today." Miran walked in with a bag in her hand.

"And because he was in charge today of bringing food," she walked closer to them. Yangyang's eyes following her with every movement through the mirror, "I came and got you some."

At this moment the boy was wondering if this smile of hers ever fade, it seems like she had been smiling since yesterday.

"Thank you so much Miran!" Lucas said happily and sat down for eating, everyone did the same but Yangyang stood still on his place.

"Yangyang?" He heard her voice calling his name, he closed his eyes and gulped. He didn't want to turn around he didn't want to see her.

But the way she called out his name, he wanted to hear it forever.

He felt a tap on his shoulder that woke him up and again that voice when it called out his name.

Even if he didn't want, even if he tried his best, it was time for him to turn around.

And just like yesterday when he looked into her eyes, he found himself lost in it, like in another world. "You should eat too."

After a little stare he nodded his head without saying a word and went to sit down. "Aren't you going to eat?" He asked in a soft voice.

"No I already ate." She answered with the smile that was making him nervous.

"Why didn't Ten answer his phone? I tried to call him." Winwin asked, his mouth was full.

"He's sleeping and I putted his phone on silent because he does need his sleep." Miran said and went to where there was still an empty place to sit, next to Yangyang.

"Oh so you were with him?" Kun asked and Yangyang didn't feel like eating, staring down at his food made him sick.

"Yes, he called me because he didn't want to bother you." Her voice is too close, Yangyang though.

"I'm going outside for some fresh air, I'm not hungry." He mumbled and rushed outside.

In fact he really needed some air, it was like all the air was token away from his lungs the moment his best friend's girlfriend sat next to him.

The dance room was now quite everybody looking at the way were the youngest went without understanding what was going.

He himself didn't knew what was going. It was like whenever she is, she has that power that controlled him.

"Well I'll get going, I just came to bring you food." The girl said and took her things.

"Stay a little longer, we can chat for a little." Xiaojun told her and as much as she wanted, she couldn't.

"I want to but I can't, I need to go to work." She smiled sadly and they said their goodbyes.

On her way out she saw Yangyang leaning against the wall his head hanging down.

"Yangyang." She called softly when she stood next to him.

The boy who used to be loud closed his eyes tightly when they were already closed, he didn't dare to open them.

"Is everything alright?" She asked a little worried, the young boy was behaving weirdly since she came here.

"Yes." He answered immediately. "Everything is fine."

They stood in silence for some minutes, she was hopping that he would open his eyes and talk to her but it's seems impossible and she needed to go.

"Okay then, I have to go now." She was walking backwards, a little hope inside of her that he will look at her. "Bye." She said in a quiet voice and finally turned around.

When he felt that she was walking away without looking at him, he looked up and saw her back. With that he let out a breath he didn't know was holding in.

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