Rewrite / I'm Back!

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Hey, guys! Yes, I'm alive. Sorry I took such a long break from Wattpad. It's been a long year for everyone and so much changed that I just kind of decided not to let myself stress out about updating. But now I'm trying really hard to get back into all of my stories since I'm almost done with school and will finally have time to update everything.

First things first, though, I reread some of this story this year. I started Secrets 3 years ago. My writings obviously changed a little. I'm planning on going through and rewriting some of this series. It's mainly just going to be editing. It's a lot more for me than you guys. It's just my way of fixing some errors that I didn't notice the first time around. All chapter titles will eventually be changed to episode titles just to make this whole thing a little more organized and so that next time I decide to edit or reread this story I will know which episode I should go to. So you guys will be seeing chapters get taken down and then put back up as I do this. Once I'm done I will try to quickly get back to posting new chapters.

Please let me know if there is anything you guys want to happen between seasons four and five or in Lilly's Legacies book, because I'm seriously struggling with ideas.

Anyway, new chapters hopefully coming soon!

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